I am having trouble changing the rows and columns using 'estpost tabstat'. Here is the current code:
This gives me column as the 'region' and the rows are the cutoffs. I want the region to be the row and couldn't figure out how to modify the codes.
I tried 'columns(region)' but did not get the desired result. Could you please guide me through this?
Thank you very much
I am having trouble changing the rows and columns using 'estpost tabstat'. Here is the current code:
forvalues i=1/4 { estpost tabstat cutoff cutoff_random cutoff_VA cutoff_VA2, by(region) statistics(mean) columns(statistics) listwise esttab using result.tex, main(mean) nostar unstack /// noobs nonote nomtitle nonumber label replace
I tried 'columns(region)' but did not get the desired result. Could you please guide me through this?
Thank you very much