EDIT: made several changes to try to clarify what I meant.
Hi everyone,
My question is the following. I want to use the "csdid" command to generate event study estimates as well as the ATT estimate and p-value that is obtained through the command's "agg(simple)" option. I want to send them to a regression table and then plot them in a graph.
The current replication code:
However, two problems:
1) Is there a way to do this while running csdid only once? this is consequential because in reality I am using a very large dataset and each specification takes many hours to run.
2) Why does "outreg2" not allow me to drop variables/parameters like "Tm4", but "coefplot" does?
Hi everyone,
My question is the following. I want to use the "csdid" command to generate event study estimates as well as the ATT estimate and p-value that is obtained through the command's "agg(simple)" option. I want to send them to a regression table and then plot them in a graph.
The current replication code:
use "https://friosavila.github.io/playingwithstata/drdid/mpdta.dta", clear csdid lemp lpop , ivar(countyreal) time(year) gvar(first_treat) method(dripw) rseed(1) long2 agg(simple) mat reg_tab = r(table) local att_coef = string(round(reg_tab[1,1],0.001),"%9.3f") display `att_coef' local att_pval = string(round(reg_tab[4,1],0.001),"%9.3f") display `att_pval' csdid lemp lpop , ivar(countyreal) time(year) gvar(first_treat) method(dripw) rseed(1) long2 agg(event) outreg2 using "table2.xls", bdec(3) sdec(3) adec(3) nocons label replace /// addtext(Year FEs, Y, Municipality FEs, Y, Individual FEs, Y) /// addstat(ATT coef,`att_coef',ATT p-value,`att_pval') nonotes estimates store depvar_qp coefplot depvar_qp, /// drop(_cons Tm4 Pre_avg Post_avg) yline(0) xline(2.5) vertical /// ytitle(Regression coefficient) ylabel(-0.2(0.1)0.2, format(%9.1f)) /// xtitle(Years relative to treatment) /// coeflabels(Tm3 = "-3" Tm2 = "-2" Tp0 = "0" Tp1 = "1" Tp2= "2" Tp3= "3") /// text(0.15 5 "{bf:ATT = } `att_coef' (`att_pval')", placement(c) box fcolor(none)) graph export "figure2.png", replace
1) Is there a way to do this while running csdid only once? this is consequential because in reality I am using a very large dataset and each specification takes many hours to run.
2) Why does "outreg2" not allow me to drop variables/parameters like "Tm4", but "coefplot" does?