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  • Custom table generation

    Please how can I generate this type of table with the table command.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	aff.png
Views:	1
Size:	123.6 KB
ID:	1765596

    * Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
    input byte(c1 c4) str5 agerange
    2  0 "45-59"
    2  5 "18-29"
    1  0 "30-44"
    2 77 "18-29"
    2 77 "30-44"
    2  0 "18-29"
    1 77 "60-69"
    2 12 "30-44"
    2 15 "30-44"
    2  7 "45-59"
    2 77 "60-69"
    2  5 "45-59"
    1 15 "30-44"
    1 15 "30-44"
    2 77 "30-44"
    2 12 "18-29"
    2 19 "30-44"
    1 12 "30-44"
    2 12 "18-29"
    2 12 "30-44"
    1  9 "18-29"
    2 10 "45-59"
    2 12 "18-29"
    1 16 "45-59"
    2 77 "60-69"
    1 16 "18-29"
    1 12 "45-59"
    2 15 "30-44"
    2 19 "30-44"
    1 15 "18-29"
    1 17 "30-44"
    1 15 "30-44"
    1 14 "18-29"
    2 77 "30-44"
    1 11 "18-29"
    2 15 "60-69"
    2 17 "30-44"
    2  6 "30-44"
    2 19 "30-44"
    2 12 "30-44"
    1 21 "30-44"
    2 12 "30-44"
    1 25 "30-44"
    1 12 "30-44"
    2 12 "18-29"
    2 12 "18-29"
    1 14 "60-69"
    1  1 "18-29"
    1 77 ""     
    2 19 "18-29"
    1 77 "60-69"
    1 77 "60-69"
    1 12 "18-29"
    1 14 "45-59"
    1 13 "18-29"
    2  0 "45-59"
    1 12 "18-29"
    2  0 "18-29"
    2  0 "30-44"
    1 12 "30-44"
    1 77 "45-59"
    2  7 "45-59"
    1 12 "30-44"
    1 12 "18-29"
    2 15 "30-44"
    1  8 "18-29"
    1 14 "18-29"
    2  6 "30-44"
    2 18 "18-29"
    2 77 "45-59"
    2 18 "18-29"
    2 12 "30-44"
    2  6 "30-44"
    1  6 "60-69"
    2  0 "45-59"
    2 77 "18-29"
    2  0 "30-44"
    1 18 "30-44"
    2 16 "30-44"
    1 15 "18-29"
    1 12 "30-44"
    1 12 "18-29"
    2 12 "30-44"
    1 18 "45-59"
    2 14 "45-59"
    2 12 "30-44"
    1 14 "30-44"
    1 17 "30-44"
    2 11 "30-44"
    1 16 "30-44"
    2 12 "18-29"
    1 23 "18-29"
    2 17 "30-44"
    2 17 "30-44"
    1  0 "30-44"
    2  9 "18-29"
    2 20 "45-59"
    1 18 "30-44"
    2 14 "30-44"
    1 15 "45-59"
    label values c1 labels2
    label def labels2 1 "Male", modify
    label def labels2 2 "Female", modify
    being trying to work out the code to no avail. thanks.

    local c c1 c4
    table (agerange) (), statistic(freq) statistic(percent, across(agerange)) nformat(%5.0f freq) nformat(%5.1f freq freq) sformat("(%s%%)" freq percent)
    foreach v of local c{
    table (agerange) (`v'), statistic(freq) statistic(percent, across(agerange)) nformat(%5.0f freq) nformat(%5.1f freq freq) sformat("(%s%%)" freq percent) append
    collect continuous(c4, statistics(n mean))
    collect composite define freqperc`v' = frequency percent
    collect label levels result freqperc`v' "n (%)"
    collect layout (agerange) (`v'#result[freqperc`v'])

  • #2
    Thank you for the data and example code.

    Here is what I came up with, see the comments for a brief description of each command's action.
    * assuming your data is already in memory
    * call -table- once to compute all the relevant statistics
    table (agerange) (c1), ///
        statistic(freq) ///
        statistic(percent, across(c1)) ///
        statistic(mean c4) ///
        nformat(%5.0f freq) ///
        nformat(%5.1f percent) ///
        nformat(%5.2f mean) ///
        sformat("(%s%%)" percent) ///
    * report the layout information to see the dimensions used to arrange the
    * computed items into cells
    collect layout
    * see the levels of 'var' 
    collect label list var, all
    * recode var[_hide] to something we can attach a label to
    collect recode var _hide = summary
    * label the levels of 'var'
    collect label levels var ///
        summary "Age group and sex of respondents" ///
        c4 "Mean number of years of education", modify
    * hide all dimension labels
    collect style header, title(hide)
    * except we want to see the label for the 'agerange' dimension
    collect style header agerange, title(label)
    * but we want to use a custom label
    collect label dim agerange "Age group (years)", modify
    * fix the default order of the results
    collect style autolevels result count frequency mean percent, clear
    * fix the result labels
    collect label levels result frequency "n" count "n" percent "%", modify
    * fix the label for the margin of 'c1', default was "Total"
    collect label levels c1 .m "Both Sexes", modify
    * fix the label for the margin of 'agerange', default was "Total"
    collect label levels agerange .m "18-69", modify
    * bold the margin of 'agerange', it is shown in the row headers
    collect style cell cell_type[row-header]#agerange[.m], font(, bold)
    * bold the levels of 'c1'
    collect style cell cell_type[column-header]#c1, font(, bold)
    * but not the result levels
    collect style cell cell_type[column-header]#result, font(, nobold)
    * bold the table headers
    collect style title, font(, bold)
    * remove the vertical border
    collect style cell border_block[corner row-header], ///
        border(right, pattern(none))
    * remove the extra space between columns
    collect style column, extraspace(0)
    * arrange the items according to the given picture
    collect layout (agerange) (c1#result) (var)
    * add border under levels of 'c1'
    collect style cell cell_type[column-header]#c1, border(bottom)
    * add result space (unicode U+2800) to be used between levels of c1
    collect get _hide = "⠀", tag(agerange[18-29] var[summary])
    collect get _hide = "⠀", tag(agerange[18-29] var[c4])
    * add border above the 'agerange' margins
    collect style cell agerange[.m], border(top)
    * but not for the space result
    collect style cell agerange[.m]#result[_hide], border(top, pattern(none))
    * add new space result to the layout
    collect layout ///
        (agerange) ///
        ( ///
            c1[1]#result ///
            result[_hide] ///
            c1[2]#result ///
            result[_hide] ///
            c1[.m]#result ///
        ) ///
    The target document type was not mentioned, so here is a screen-shot of the resulting tables rendered in PDF and taken from the Preview app on my mac.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2024-10-11 at 12.33.26 PM.png
Views:	1
Size:	173.2 KB
ID:	1765617


    • #3
      thank you for your response. It's mind soothing. Grateful. Never thought the code will be this long. Wish the manuals can be more detailed. Thanks a million. However, I would like to have it in docx document, excel will not be appropriate for its format. I appreciate if you can add that part to it. Thanks a million.


      • #4
        In Stata type help collect export.
        There are some putdocx specific style choices you can control too, see help collect style putdocx.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Jeff Pitblado (StataCorp) View Post
          In Stata type help collect export.
          There are some putdocx specific style choices you can control too, see help collect style putdocx.

