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  • Question on Model selection for data mediation effect analysis

    Code X(Treated or Controlled) Time1 Time2
    M1 Y1 M2 Y2
    1 0 ... ... ... ...
    2 1 ... ... ... ...
    3 0 ... ... ... ...
    4 1 ... ... ... ...
    My data is formatted as shown in the figure, consisting of individual data with two repeated measurements, and the individuals are divided into an experimental group and a control group. I would like to conduct a mediation analysis on this data. Is there a model that fits this design? I had considered using Multilevel Models, but it turned out to be unsuitable.
    Last edited by vivian fang; 11 Oct 2024, 02:51.

  • #2

    Welcome to Statalist!

    In terms of how to proceed with your model, it would be helpful to have a little more information. First, what is the mediation pathway you want to test? Second, can you share a small amount of your data using the dataex command? It would help us understand the data structure. In the table you showed, there seems to be a formatting issue.

    Generally speaking, it is helpful when your mediator is measured at an intermediate occasion between time 1 and time 2. However it seems that you measured both the outcome and mediator at time1 and time 2. In that type of design, I might instead think of treating the mediator as a moderator - a variable that influences the strength and direction of the effect of treatment on outcome changes. In terms of a simple version of such a model, it would be represented by the following regression:
    regress y2 i.x##c.m1 y1
    * Assuming that your mediator is a continuous variable with values ranging from 0-20
    margins x, at(m1 = (0(4)20)) 
    * A nice graph of the moderation effect

