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  • Scenario modeling using Worldbank open data


    I just came across an interesting analysis that was done using Stata BE:

    Specifically, I want to understand the analysis for: Figure 3. Temporal change of the hypothetical life expectancy at birth (in years, y-axis) under the assumption of zero energy use from 1972–2014 (x-axis).

    Some other people used this method under the name - Scenario modeling, but none of them showed how to do this using Stata. I hope someone experienced using the World Bank can shed some light on this.

    I used the following method to extract data on: Agricultural methane emissions as % of total (EN.ATM.METH.AG.ZS); Forest area as % of land area (AG.LND.FRST.Z), and Annual freshwater withdrawals (ER.H2O.FWTL.K3).

    wbopendata, language(en - English) indicator(SL.TLF.CACT.FM.ZS;  AG.LND.FRST.ZS;ER.H2O.FWTL.K3) clear long
    Using this example data, I'd like to measure 1) Temporal change of the hypothetical 'Annual freshwater withdrawals' under the assumption of zero emissions, adjusted for forest area. I am sorry for not finding more appropriate indicators using wbopendata (no metadata available for many indicators), but my main goal here is to understand the analytical procedure.

    Thank you in advance for your help!