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  • Help on Weibull incidence analysis


    I am trying to do Weibull analysis on cancer onset.

    My data are respondents aged 51-79 and im interested in the disease incidence for different educational attainment.
    I am using 2 waves and created a dummy variable; cancer_disease_onset . If the respondent develops cancer in between the waves.
    In the picture you see what it looks like
    Click image for larger version

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Views:	1
Size:	78.3 KB
ID:	1765330

    I want to use the weibull model. and use the following code. agey_br is the age of the respodent.
    stset agey_br, failure(cancer_disease_onset==1)
    streg agey_br male i.educ_group, dist(weibull)
    Click image for larger version

Name:	webull.png
Views:	1
Size:	15.7 KB
ID:	1765329

    this result suggests that younger individuals are at higher risk of developing heart disease compared to older individuals. specifically for each additional year of age, the risk of developing heart disease decreases by about 95%??

    I dont understand this.

    Am i doing something wrong in the model or do i interpret this

    thanks in advance
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