I am trying to run a panel data regression where 2 of my independent variables (in 2 different regressions of the same DV) are human impacs and economic impacts of certain climatic extremes. My problem is that I am not sure if I should log the variables or use them as they are. Not logging gives me more significant results, but there is higher variability. Also since for most economic variables such as gdp I usually use their logged versions I am not sure if I should do the same in this case? Here are my code lines for each of the regressions:
xtreg env_conc_u econ_impact_floods econ_impact_storms econ_impact_droughts econ_impact_wildfires econ_impact_extreme_temps log_active_pop log_gdp perc_sectA urban_pop secondary_educ avg_irrigated, fe robust
xtreg env_conc_u log_econ_impact_droughts log_econ_impact_extreme_temps log_econ_impact_floods log_econ_impact_storms log_econ_impact_wildfires log_active_pop log_gdp perc_sectA urban_pop secondary_educ avg_irrigated, fe robust
xtreg env_conc_u human_impact_floods human_impact_storms human_impact_droughts human_impact_wildfires human_impact_extreme_temps log_active_pop log_gdp perc_sectA urban_pop secondary_educ avg_irrigated, fe robustxtreg env_conc_u log_human_impact_droughts log_human_impact_extreme_temps log_human_impact_floods log_human_impact_storms log_human_impact_wildfires log_active_pop log_gdp perc_sectA urban_pop secondary_educ avg_irrigated, fe robust
Thank you!
I am trying to run a panel data regression where 2 of my independent variables (in 2 different regressions of the same DV) are human impacs and economic impacts of certain climatic extremes. My problem is that I am not sure if I should log the variables or use them as they are. Not logging gives me more significant results, but there is higher variability. Also since for most economic variables such as gdp I usually use their logged versions I am not sure if I should do the same in this case? Here are my code lines for each of the regressions:
xtreg env_conc_u econ_impact_floods econ_impact_storms econ_impact_droughts econ_impact_wildfires econ_impact_extreme_temps log_active_pop log_gdp perc_sectA urban_pop secondary_educ avg_irrigated, fe robust
xtreg env_conc_u log_econ_impact_droughts log_econ_impact_extreme_temps log_econ_impact_floods log_econ_impact_storms log_econ_impact_wildfires log_active_pop log_gdp perc_sectA urban_pop secondary_educ avg_irrigated, fe robust
xtreg env_conc_u human_impact_floods human_impact_storms human_impact_droughts human_impact_wildfires human_impact_extreme_temps log_active_pop log_gdp perc_sectA urban_pop secondary_educ avg_irrigated, fe robustxtreg env_conc_u log_human_impact_droughts log_human_impact_extreme_temps log_human_impact_floods log_human_impact_storms log_human_impact_wildfires log_active_pop log_gdp perc_sectA urban_pop secondary_educ avg_irrigated, fe robust
Thank you!