Good morning to everybody i have tu run an Anova Repeated Measures with the outcome (LR, HR-no diagnosis, and HR-NDD infants) as factor and age (10 days and 6, 12, 18, and 24 weeks) as the repeated measures.
i wrote the code below
for the post hoc comparison i use the code below
When I run the model I get a very low R2. So I have to ask you: 1) Is the written syntax correct? 2) can I accept the results of the model with an R2 of 0.08 and therefore the post-hoc results? 3) if the syntax is wrong, what is the right one please? Thanks a million in advance
Tommaso Salvitti
i wrote the code below
HTML Code:
anova y diagnosis##timepoint, repeated(timepoint) bseunit(id) bse(Diagnosi_num
for the post hoc comparison i use the code below
HTML Code:
margins Diagnosi##timepoint, pwcompare(effects) mcompare(bonferroni)
When I run the model I get a very low R2. So I have to ask you: 1) Is the written syntax correct? 2) can I accept the results of the model with an R2 of 0.08 and therefore the post-hoc results? 3) if the syntax is wrong, what is the right one please? Thanks a million in advance
Tommaso Salvitti