Dear users
I am trying to use ppmlhdfe command proposed by Sergio Correia, Paulo Guimarães and Thomas Zylkin ( 2019 ) to estimate a gravity model. I am interested in getting RTA driven predicted trade that I can use in a subsequent analysis. Suppose that after estimating the model
ppmlhdfe Xijt RTAijt, a(imp#year exp#year imp#exp) d (FE) cluster (imp#exp)
(where Xijt is the level of exports from i to j at time t, RTAijt is a dummy equal to 1 when I and j are involved in the trade agreement at period t) I got the following equation
Xijt=exp(22.54 + 0.69 RTAijt+FE)
I read that using the command predict fiited_trade, mu yields the overall predicted trade. When I rather use the predict xb,xb I don’t get 0.69*RTAijt as the fitted value as is the case after ppml_panel_sg. I get the fitted value when I add my xb to fixed effects FE and then take the exponential i.e. exp(xb+FE). So I have a couple of questions:
First, I want to use only trade driven by my RTA variable. Do I need to reestimate the model without fixed effects or s it still possible to get what I want while including the fixed effects?
Second, Does it make sense to try to get RTA-driven trade? If yes, should I consider the xb, the fitted_trade, or the 0.69*RTAijt?
Finally, as the inclusion of FE yields actual trade, what about the error term? Does it mean that the model is perfect?
I am trying to use ppmlhdfe command proposed by Sergio Correia, Paulo Guimarães and Thomas Zylkin ( 2019 ) to estimate a gravity model. I am interested in getting RTA driven predicted trade that I can use in a subsequent analysis. Suppose that after estimating the model
ppmlhdfe Xijt RTAijt, a(imp#year exp#year imp#exp) d (FE) cluster (imp#exp)
(where Xijt is the level of exports from i to j at time t, RTAijt is a dummy equal to 1 when I and j are involved in the trade agreement at period t) I got the following equation
Xijt=exp(22.54 + 0.69 RTAijt+FE)
I read that using the command predict fiited_trade, mu yields the overall predicted trade. When I rather use the predict xb,xb I don’t get 0.69*RTAijt as the fitted value as is the case after ppml_panel_sg. I get the fitted value when I add my xb to fixed effects FE and then take the exponential i.e. exp(xb+FE). So I have a couple of questions:
First, I want to use only trade driven by my RTA variable. Do I need to reestimate the model without fixed effects or s it still possible to get what I want while including the fixed effects?
Second, Does it make sense to try to get RTA-driven trade? If yes, should I consider the xb, the fitted_trade, or the 0.69*RTAijt?
Finally, as the inclusion of FE yields actual trade, what about the error term? Does it mean that the model is perfect?