Hi everyone,
I am struggling with a SSC command called -synth2-. Basically, when I run this, I got an error:
Here is a dataex:
The error I got every time:
Could anyone help me with that, please?
Thanks a lot!
I am struggling with a SSC command called -synth2-. Basically, when I run this, I got an error:
xtset idprovdis moyr_matricula foreach a in HEV{ preserve ge `a'=(d_dum_`a'/tot) synth2 `a' car_pct pp_euro hh_t frac_age_15to59 frac_age_under15 avgHHmem frac_Male /// , trunit(29) trperiod(`=tm(2018m5)') xperiod(`=tm(2016m1)'(1)`=tm(2019m12)') nested frame(`a') matrix R = e(U_wt) mat2txt, matrix(R) saving("${resultd}/T2_`a'W.txt") replace format(%6.1f) matrix R = e(bal) matselrc R R1, row(1,2,3,4,5,6,7) col(1,2,3) mat list R1 , format(%12.2f) matmap R1 R, map(round(@, 0.001)) local att : di %6.3f scalar(`e(att)') di "`att'" esttab matrix(R) using "$resultd/T2_baltab_`a'.tex", /// nomtitle replace nonote label booktabs star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) /// stats("`att'", labels("Avg effects: `att'") fmt(0 3 0 0)) restore }
* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex clear input int moyr_matricula float(idprovdis d_dum_HEV d_dum_ZERO) long tot float(car_pct age_t0014 age_t1529) double(male pp_euro hh_t p_t) int dum_HEV 672 1 31 -1 3555 .3368989 1589.2397 1622.082 5234.175438596491 11651.068591234956 4315.0935672514615 10552.12865497076 66 673 1 22 0 5790 .5470662 1597.5385 1630.1775 5249.881656804734 11589.04063402938 4321.449704142012 10583.727810650887 43 674 1 58 -16 11719 1.0836304 1629.006 1662.9337 5363.493975903614 11692.594201406531 4422.879518072289 10814.572289156626 79 675 1 27 1 4716 .4371363 1626.6205 1658.9097 5350.704819277108 11660.94775176064 4411.704819277108 10788.397590361446 51 676 1 141 -2 8291 .7751926 1614.6946 1647.2395 5304.790419161676 11512.580575615591 4366.904191616766 10695.407185628743 161 677 1 90 1 8198 .7737827 1596.4 1628.5177 5255.535294117647 11636.280418159304 4331.729411764706 10594.70588235294 116 678 1 35 -1 4408 .4249181 1563.155 1594.207 5145.781609195402 11651.257659136743 4241.350574712644 10373.764367816091 75 679 1 24 -1 2509 .22847965 1659.6173 1692.9198 5446.246913580247 11617.824744020807 4481.333333333333 10981.283950617284 59 680 1 33 -2 3064 .28978604 1593.8823 1626.7 5244.64705882353 11598.39329241222 4320.6882352941175 10573.317647058824 81 681 1 58 -2 3310 .3255998 1531.8757 1564.548 5042.864406779661 11558.32863221045 4153.299435028249 10165.853107344632 70 end format %tm moyr_matricula label values idprovdis idprovdis label def idprovdis 1 "A", modify
The error I got every time:
invalid syntax r(198);
Could anyone help me with that, please?
Thanks a lot!