I have the following data:
And im creating the following graph:
Is there a way to exclude the missing years on the x-axis such that it is no longer continious. I do not want there to be a space between the 2004 and 2010 label values on the x-axis, this should also give more space for the rest of the data.
I have the following data:
* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex clear input int year float(betaUS_12 lbUS_12 ubUS_12 betaUS_22 lbUS_22 ubUS_22 betaUS_32 lbUS_32 ubUS_32 betaUS_42 lbUS_42 ubUS_42 betaUS_52 lbUS_52 ubUS_52 betaUS_62 lbUS_62 ubUS_62 yearless yearmore yearless2 yearmore2 yearless3 yearmore3) 2002 .09983394 .033573844 .16609405 .03346668 -.0782483 .14518166 .1440442 -.09716225 .3852507 .01871788 -.006193055 .04362882 -.01356009 -.10368413 .07656394 .03437851 -.08063607 .1493931 2001.9 2002.1 2001.7 2002.3 2001.5 2002.5 2003 .09587947 .03508311 .15667583 .04269629 -.10030187 .18569446 -.007687444 -.2350187 .2196438 .005635773 -.01961588 .030887427 .006968773 -.05116065 .0650982 .07667919 -.10499287 .25835124 2002.9 2003.1 2002.7 2003.3 2002.5 2003.5 2004 .12801868 .04293675 .2131006 .09327573 -.09861986 .28517133 -.03095711 -.3367621 .27484787 .030958155 -.006891317 .068807624 .15697625 -.16389082 .4778433 .07285965 -.16559835 .31131765 2003.9 2004.1 2003.7 2004.3 2003.5 2004.5 2010 .40928245 .14798014 .6705847 .14767922 -.05470616 .3500646 .02916339 -.3582467 .4165735 .15948126 .006206103 .3127564 .10309133 -.11584966 .3220323 .14803578 -.07727965 .3733512 2009.9 2010.1 2009.7 2010.3 2009.5 2010.5 2011 .4288521 .14639796 .7113062 .14513692 -.06522388 .3554977 -.06599972 -.4566956 .3246962 .17356624 -.029254103 .37638655 .09165595 -.0934796 .2767915 .04991825 -.1935455 .293382 2010.9 2011.1 2010.7 2011.3 2010.5 2011.5 2012 .44900215 .15785253 .7401518 .16681707 -.04752941 .3811635 -.04677118 -.4294767 .3359343 .1860567 -.04058657 .4127 .07954711 -.09387272 .25296694 .04453593 -.2096999 .2987717 2011.9 2012.1 2011.7 2012.3 2011.5 2012.5 2013 .4477716 .16315645 .7323868 .2167721 -.028667977 .4622122 -.11346623 -.5212641 .2943316 .1766567 -.01163444 .3649478 .10170155 -.069225214 .2726283 -.016602116 -.2701909 .23698667 2012.9 2013.1 2012.7 2013.3 2012.5 2013.5 2014 .444643 .16338535 .7259007 .23986615 -.002802337 .48253465 -.04892139 -.44388655 .3460438 .13718705 -.02380312 .2981772 .15718333 -.12256058 .4369272 -.01002343 -.25802353 .23797667 2013.9 2014.1 2013.7 2014.3 2013.5 2014.5 2015 .4561785 .16097455 .7513825 .3165045 .05564618 .5773629 -.1368655 -.5356907 .2619597 .1384413 -.01717886 .29406145 .13912965 -.1395322 .4177915 -.019423565 -.3181144 .27926725 2014.9 2015.1 2014.7 2015.3 2014.5 2015.5 end
And im creating the following graph:
* draw graph for exporters twoway (scatter betaUS_12 yearless3, msize(small) mcolor(orange_red)) /// (rcap ubUS_12 lbUS_12 yearless3, msize(vsmall) lcolor(orange*0.3)) /// (scatter betaUS_22 yearless2 , msymbol(square) msize(small) mcolor(green)) /// (rcap ubUS_22 lbUS_22 yearless2 , msize(vsmall) lcolor(green*0.3)) /// (scatter betaUS_32 yearless, msymbol(triangle) msize(small) mcolor(blue)) /// (rcap ubUS_32 lbUS_32 yearless , msize(vsmall) lcolor(blue*0.3)) /// (scatter betaUS_42 yearmore , msymbol(circle) msize(small) mcolor(pink)) /// (rcap ubUS_42 lbUS_42 yearmore , msize(vsmall) lcolor(pink*0.3)) /// (scatter betaUS_52 yearmore2 , msymbol(square) msize(small) mcolor(purple)) /// (rcap ubUS_52 lbUS_52 yearmore2 , msize(vsmall) lcolor(purple*0.3)) /// (scatter betaUS_62 yearmore3 , msymbol(diamond) msize(small) mcolor(black)) /// (rcap ubUS_62 lbUS_62 yearmore3 , msize(vsmall) lcolor(black*0.3)), /// xtitle("") graphregion(color(white)) yline(0, lwidth(medium) lcolor(gs8)) xlabel(2001 2002 2003 2004 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015) /// legend(region(lstyle(foreground)) rows(1) position(6) order(1 3 5 7 9 11) label(1 "Japan") label(3 "South Korea") label(5 "Taiwan") label(7 "China") /// label(9 "Hong Kong") label(11 "Other")) /// ytitle("") ylabel(-0.4(0.2)0.6)