I have found myself unable to run the LP example file. This applies also to going thru the menu box. I'm wondering if others have the same issue.
'************************************************* ************************************************** ***
'Jordà, Ò. (2009). “Simultaneous Confidence Regions for Impulse Responses,”
'Review of Economics and Statistics, v. 91 (3), pp. 629–647.
'************************************************* ************************************************** ***
'Load the file
........ swqdata.wf1
'Estimate VAR with built-in procs
var swmodel.ls 1 14 p un ff
'Lag length selection with corrected AIC and dof unadjusted covariance matrix
'Comparison of Local IRFs with that of regular VAR (shows marginal error bands)
'Conditional error bands (saves the correlation matrix of IRFs)
swmodel.localirfs(horizon=24,imp=4,cond=2,cormat,c harts)
'Scheffe error bands (50th percentile)
swmodel.localirfs(horizon=24,alpha=0.5,imp=4,cond= 3,charts)
'Equality test of responses (UN to P versus FF to FF) and saves the resulting matrix
swmodel.localirfs(horizon=24,imp=4,equality="2 1 3 3",pval=2) 'p-values from F-test
'Counterfactual analysis of the response of FF to FF with conditioning the response path of P to FF
swmodel.localirfs(respmat="irf",horizon=24,imp=4) 'get the IRF matrix
vector condition = @columnextract(irf01,3) - 0.25*@ones(@rows(irf01)) 'construct a conditioning path for the response of P to FF
swmodel.localirfs(horizon=24,imp=4,cfact="3 3 1 3",cpath="condition",charts) 'p-values from Chi-squared
'Counterfactual analysis of the response of UN to FF with conditioning the response path of P to FF.
swmodel.localirfs(horizon=24,imp=4,cfact="2 3 1 3",cpath="condition",charts,pval=2) 'p-values from F-test
'************************************************* ************************************************** ***
'Jordà, Ò. (2009). “Simultaneous Confidence Regions for Impulse Responses,”
'Review of Economics and Statistics, v. 91 (3), pp. 629–647.
'************************************************* ************************************************** ***
'Load the file
........ swqdata.wf1
'Estimate VAR with built-in procs
var swmodel.ls 1 14 p un ff
'Lag length selection with corrected AIC and dof unadjusted covariance matrix
'Comparison of Local IRFs with that of regular VAR (shows marginal error bands)
'Conditional error bands (saves the correlation matrix of IRFs)
swmodel.localirfs(horizon=24,imp=4,cond=2,cormat,c harts)
'Scheffe error bands (50th percentile)
swmodel.localirfs(horizon=24,alpha=0.5,imp=4,cond= 3,charts)
'Equality test of responses (UN to P versus FF to FF) and saves the resulting matrix
swmodel.localirfs(horizon=24,imp=4,equality="2 1 3 3",pval=2) 'p-values from F-test
'Counterfactual analysis of the response of FF to FF with conditioning the response path of P to FF
swmodel.localirfs(respmat="irf",horizon=24,imp=4) 'get the IRF matrix
vector condition = @columnextract(irf01,3) - 0.25*@ones(@rows(irf01)) 'construct a conditioning path for the response of P to FF
swmodel.localirfs(horizon=24,imp=4,cfact="3 3 1 3",cpath="condition",charts) 'p-values from Chi-squared
'Counterfactual analysis of the response of UN to FF with conditioning the response path of P to FF.
swmodel.localirfs(horizon=24,imp=4,cfact="2 3 1 3",cpath="condition",charts,pval=2) 'p-values from F-test