I am analyzing the impact of time spent on tablets (>5 hours per day vs. <5 hours per day) on parents' perceptions of their children's productivity. parents' perception of their children's productivity is a binary outcome (improved, decreased). There was a policy change in 2017 aimed at encouraging students to use tablets more for their studies per day.
I have cross-sectional data from 2016 (pre-policy) and 2019 (post-policy).
Here's the main finding so far:
gen treatment = (tablet_time_spent== ">5_hours")
gen post_policy= (year == 2019)
collapse (mean) productivity_perception, by(year treatment)
twoway (line productivity_perception year if treatment == 1, lcolor(blue) lwidth(medium) lpattern(solid) legend(label(1 "Tablet Time >5"))) ///
(line productivity_perception year if treatment == 0, lcolor(red) lwidth(medium) lpattern(dash) legend(label(2 "Tablet Time <5"))), ///
title("Trends in Parents' Perception of Children's Productivity by Tablet Time") ///
xlabel(2016 2019))
My data looks like this (ofc these arent true values)
Tablet_time_spent Parents' Perception of Children's Productivity year
>5 increased 2016
>5 decreased 2016
<5 decreased 2016
>5 increased 2016
<5 decreased 2016
<5 increased 2019
<5 increased 2019
<5 increased 2019
>5 decreased
I would really appreciate any help. Thank you.
(my variables are a bit different from the ones I have mentioned but they have the same type/characteristics and the idea is pretty much the same)
I was looking at another thread and didreg was recommended:
didregress (parents' Perception of Children's Productivity) (treatment), group(region) time(year)
but I am getting this error
invalid group specification
None of the groups defined by region is a control.
I have cross-sectional data from 2016 (pre-policy) and 2019 (post-policy).
Here's the main finding so far:
- Over time, time spent on tablets increased among students.
- Parents of children using tablets for >5 hours per day reported that their children's productivity decreased over time.
- Parents of children using tablets for <5 hours per day also reported that their children's productivity decreased over time.
- However, in both 2016 and 2019, a higher percentage of parents whose children used tablets for <5 hours per day reported improvements in productivity compared to parents whose children used tablets for >5 hours per day.
gen treatment = (tablet_time_spent== ">5_hours")
gen post_policy= (year == 2019)
collapse (mean) productivity_perception, by(year treatment)
twoway (line productivity_perception year if treatment == 1, lcolor(blue) lwidth(medium) lpattern(solid) legend(label(1 "Tablet Time >5"))) ///
(line productivity_perception year if treatment == 0, lcolor(red) lwidth(medium) lpattern(dash) legend(label(2 "Tablet Time <5"))), ///
title("Trends in Parents' Perception of Children's Productivity by Tablet Time") ///
xlabel(2016 2019))
My data looks like this (ofc these arent true values)
Tablet_time_spent Parents' Perception of Children's Productivity year
>5 increased 2016
>5 decreased 2016
<5 decreased 2016
>5 increased 2016
<5 decreased 2016
<5 increased 2019
<5 increased 2019
<5 increased 2019
>5 decreased
I would really appreciate any help. Thank you.
(my variables are a bit different from the ones I have mentioned but they have the same type/characteristics and the idea is pretty much the same)
I was looking at another thread and didreg was recommended:
didregress (parents' Perception of Children's Productivity) (treatment), group(region) time(year)
but I am getting this error
invalid group specification
None of the groups defined by region is a control.