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  • Is there way to append results from -collect- to each other

    I want to calculate a common set of statistics for each of number of subgroups, append the results to each other, and export them (e.g.) to an Excel worksheet. My attempts using -table- and -collect- have not been successful. Tips please.

    Consider the following

    . sysuse auto
    (1978 automobile data)
    . table (foreign), nformat(%3.2f ) stat(percent) stat( mean weight) nototals na
    > me(c1)
               |  Percent            Mean
               |            Weight (lbs.)
    Car origin |                         
      Domestic |    70.27         3317.12
      Foreign  |    29.73         2315.91
    . table (rep78), nformat(%3.2f ) stat(percent) stat( mean weight) nototals name
    > (c2)
                       |  Percent            Mean
                       |            Weight (lbs.)
    Repair record 1978 |                         
      1                |     2.90         3100.00
      2                |    11.59         3353.75
      3                |    43.48         3299.00
      4                |    26.09         2870.00
      5                |    15.94         2322.73
    . collect preview, name(c1)
               |  Percent            Mean
               |            Weight (lbs.)
    Car origin |                         
      Domestic |    70.27         3317.12
      Foreign  |    29.73         2315.91
    . collect preview, name(c2)
                       |  Percent            Mean
                       |            Weight (lbs.)
    Repair record 1978 |                         
      1                |     2.90         3100.00
      2                |    11.59         3353.75
      3                |    43.48         3299.00
      4                |    26.09         2870.00
      5                |    15.94         2322.73
    . collect combine newcoll = c1 c2
    (current collection is newcoll)
    . collect preview, name(newcoll)
               |  Percent            Mean
               |            Weight (lbs.)
    Car origin |                         
      Domestic |    70.27         3317.12
      Foreign  |    29.73         2315.91
    I had been hoping that -collect combine- would have combined the 2 original collections (ideally it would have appended collection c2 to collection c1). However the combined collection seems to only pick up the most recently previewed collection

    Something like:

               |  Percent            Mean
               |            Weight (lbs.)
    Car origin |                         
      Domestic |    70.27         3317.12
      Foreign  |    29.73         2315.91
                       |  Percent            Mean
                       |            Weight (lbs.)
    Repair record 1978 |                         
      1                |     2.90         3100.00
      2                |    11.59         3353.75
      3                |    43.48         3299.00
      4                |    26.09         2870.00
      5                |    15.94         2322.73
    or even ...

               |  Percent            Mean
               |            Weight (lbs.)
    Car origin |                         
      Domestic |    70.27         3317.12
      Foreign  |    29.73         2315.91
    Repair record 1978 |                         
      1                |     2.90         3100.00
      2                |    11.59         3353.75
      3                |    43.48         3299.00
      4                |    26.09         2870.00
      5                |    15.94         2322.73
    Any ideas about how to achieve this please? (Cosmetic aspects such as aligning the columns would be nice but not essential.)

    I've looked through the help and [TABLES], and may have missed something ...

  • #2
    The dimension named "across" contains all levels of the rows from the appended table. Here's a way to achieve what you want:

    sysuse auto, clear
    collect clear
    table (foreign), nformat(%3.2f ) stat(percent) stat( mean weight) nototals name(c1)
    table (rep78), nformat(%3.2f ) stat(percent) stat( mean weight) nototals name(c2)
    collect combine all= c1 c2
    collect levelsof across
    collect layout (`s(levels)') (var#result)

    . collect layout (`s(levels)') (var#result)
    (dimension _hide not found)
    Collection: all
          Rows: _hide foreign rep78
       Columns: var#result
       Table 1: 9 x 2
                       |  Weight (lbs.)   Percent
                       |           Mean          
    Car origin         |                        
      Domestic         |        3317.12     70.27
      Foreign          |        2315.91     29.73
    Repair record 1978 |                        
      1                |        3100.00      2.90
      2                |        3353.75     11.59
      3                |        3299.00     43.48
      4                |        2870.00     26.09
      5                |        2322.73     15.94
    Last edited by Andrew Musau; 15 Sep 2024, 12:28.


    • #3
          collect : table (foreign), nformat(%3.2f ) stat(percent) stat( mean weight) nototals
          collect : table (rep78), nformat(%3.2f ) stat(percent) stat( mean weight) nototals append
          collect layout (foreign rep78)(result)
            Rows: foreign rep78
         Columns: result
         Table 1: 9 x 2
                         |  Percent      Mean
      Car origin         |                  
        Domestic         |    70.27   3317.12
        Foreign          |    29.73   2315.91
      Repair record 1978 |                  
        1                |     2.90   3100.00
        2                |    11.59   3353.75
        3                |    43.48   3299.00
        4                |    26.09   2870.00
        5                |    15.94   2322.73
      see FAQ:
      Last edited by Bjarte Aagnes; 15 Sep 2024, 13:26. Reason: Added link to FAQ Combine multiple tables obtained with table or dtable using collect


      • #4
        Bjarte Aagnes : wonderful -- thank you. I should have asked you about this at the UK Stata Conference this week!

        And thank you too to Andrew Musau for the alternative approach!
        Last edited by Stephen Jenkins; 15 Sep 2024, 13:38.


        • #5
          collect layout (foreign rep78)(result)
          after #2
           collect combine all= c1 c2
          also work.

          Playing with collect save/use:
          collect clear
          sysuse auto, clear
          local opts nformat(%3.2f) stat(percent) stat(mean weight) nototals
          qui foreach v in foreign rep78 {
              collect: table (`v'), `opts' name(`v')
              tempfile `v'
              collect set  `v' 
              collect save ``v''
              collect drop `v'
              collect use ``v''
          collect combine default = foreign rep78
          collect layout (foreign rep78)(result)
          Collection: default
                Rows: foreign rep78
             Columns: result
             Table 1: 9 x 2
                             |  Percent      Mean
          Car origin         |                   
            Domestic         |    70.27   3317.12
            Foreign          |    29.73   2315.91
          Repair record 1978 |                   
            1                |     2.90   3100.00
            2                |    11.59   3353.75
            3                |    43.48   3299.00
            4                |    26.09   2870.00
            5                |    15.94   2322.73

