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  • Multiway Table, hide certain levels of variable

    I am using this manual, on p10:
    rtablemultiway.pdf (

    I want to create this table (see img), but only showing the percentages with "yes" (the right columns for each variable). How do I do this?
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2024-08-26 141330.png
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ID:	1762357

  • #2
    help collect levelsof
    use, clear
    label define yesno 0 "No" 1 "Yes"
    label values highbp diabetes heartatk yesno
    label variable diabetes "Diabetes"
    collect clear
    quietly: table (sex agegrp) (diabetes), nototals statistic(percent, across(diabetes)) name(table1)
    quietly: table (sex agegrp) (highbp), nototals statistic(percent, across(highbp)) name(table1) append
    quietly: table (sex agegrp) (heartatk), nototals statistic(percent, across(heartatk)) name(table1) append
    collect layout (sex#agegrp) (diabetes highbp heartatk)
    collect layout (sex#agegrp) (diabetes[1] highbp[1] heartatk[1])

    . collect layout (sex#agegrp) (diabetes highbp heartatk)
    Collection: table1
          Rows: sex#agegrp
       Columns: diabetes highbp heartatk
       Table 1: 17 x 6
                  |        Diabetes         High blood pressure     Prior heart attack 
                  |        No        Yes          No         Yes          No        Yes
    Sex           |                                                                    
      Male        |                                                                    
        Age group |                                                                    
          20–29   |  99.64158   .3584229    73.92473    26.07527         100           
          30–39   |  99.61039   .3896104    62.33766    37.66234    99.74026   .2597403
          40–49   |  97.37705   2.622951    55.08197    44.91803    98.03279   1.967213
          50–59   |  94.68439   5.315615     42.3588     57.6412     92.3588   7.641196
          60–69   |  91.96494   8.035062    41.49014    58.50986    86.55953   13.44047
          70+     |  88.39286   11.60714     32.8125     67.1875    83.48214   16.51786
      Female      |                                                                    
        Age group |                                                                    
          20–29   |  99.08638   .9136213     91.6113    8.388704    99.91694   .0830565
          30–39   |  97.88484   2.115159     80.6338     19.3662    99.76498   .2350176
          40–49   |  96.06657   3.933434    65.55891    34.44109    98.78971   1.210287
          50–59   |  94.19448   5.805515    48.62119    51.37881    96.66183   3.338171
          60–69   |  91.41516   8.584842    41.91818    58.08182     94.5674   5.432596
          70+     |  89.03346   10.96654    33.45725    66.54275    92.00743   7.992565
    . collect layout (sex#agegrp) (diabetes[1] highbp[1] heartatk[1])
    Collection: table1
          Rows: sex#agegrp
       Columns: diabetes[1] highbp[1] heartatk[1]
       Table 1: 17 x 3
                  |  Diabetes   High blood pressure   Prior heart attack
                  |       Yes                   Yes                  Yes
    Sex           |                                                     
      Male        |                                                     
        Age group |                                                     
          20–29   |  .3584229              26.07527                     
          30–39   |  .3896104              37.66234             .2597403
          40–49   |  2.622951              44.91803             1.967213
          50–59   |  5.315615               57.6412             7.641196
          60–69   |  8.035062              58.50986             13.44047
          70+     |  11.60714               67.1875             16.51786
      Female      |                                                     
        Age group |                                                     
          20–29   |  .9136213              8.388704             .0830565
          30–39   |  2.115159               19.3662             .2350176
          40–49   |  3.933434              34.44109             1.210287
          50–59   |  5.805515              51.37881             3.338171
          60–69   |  8.584842              58.08182             5.432596
          70+     |  10.96654              66.54275             7.992565


    • #3
      Thanks. The original tables basically include 2 decimals, but -collect layout- loses this format.

      -collect layout (male#agegrp5) (d_diab[1] d_hibp[1]), nformat(%9.2f percent)- does not work

      How do I keep only 2 decimals in this case?


      • #4
        The dimension is sex and "Male" is a level of this dimension. You can apply the formatting as below:

        use, clear
        label define yesno 0 "No" 1 "Yes"
        label values highbp diabetes heartatk yesno
        label variable diabetes "Diabetes"
        collect clear
        quietly: table (sex agegrp) (diabetes), nototals statistic(percent, across(diabetes)) name(table1)
        quietly: table (sex agegrp) (highbp), nototals statistic(percent, across(highbp)) name(table1) append
        quietly: table (sex agegrp) (heartatk), nototals statistic(percent, across(heartatk)) name(table1) append
        collect layout (sex#agegrp) (diabetes highbp heartatk)
        collect style cell diabetes highbp, nformat(%3.2f)
        collect layout (sex[1]#agegrp) (diabetes[1] highbp[1])

        . collect style cell diabetes highbp, nformat(%3.2f)
        . collect layout (sex[1]#agegrp) (diabetes[1] highbp[1])
        Collection: table1
              Rows: sex[1]#agegrp
           Columns: diabetes[1] highbp[1]
           Table 1: 9 x 2
                      |  Diabetes   High blood pressure
                      |       Yes                   Yes
        Sex           |                                
          Male        |                                
            Age group |                                
              20–29   |      0.36                 26.08
              30–39   |      0.39                 37.66
              40–49   |      2.62                 44.92
              50–59   |      5.32                 57.64
              60–69   |      8.04                 58.51
              70+     |     11.61                 67.19


        • #5
          Thank you so much again.
          Sorry to ask one more question. The manual on -collect- is very extensive and it can be hard to find some things.

          How do I add the number of nonmissing observations to this? The table I create in this code includes this:
          -quietly: table (sex agegrp) (diabetes), nototals statistic(percent, across(diabetes)) statistic(count diabetes) name(table1)-


          • #6
            You should focus on looking at dimensions of the table and levels of these dimensions to understand how to modify and construct tables.

            help collect dims
            use, clear
            label define yesno 0 "No" 1 "Yes"
            label values highbp diabetes heartatk yesno
            label variable diabetes "Diabetes"
            collect clear
            quietly: table (sex agegrp) (diabetes), nototals statistic(percent, across(diabetes)) statistic(count diabetes) name(table1)
            quietly: table (sex agegrp) (highbp), nototals statistic(percent, across(highbp)) statistic(count highbp) name(table1) append
            quietly: table (sex agegrp) (heartatk), nototals statistic(percent, across(heartatk)) statistic(count heartatk) name(table1) append
            collect dims
            collect levelsof result
            *FORMAT CELLS
            collect style cell result[percent], nformat(%3.2f)
            collect style cell result[count], nformat(%9.0f)
            collect layout (sex#agegrp) (result#(diabetes[1] highbp[1] heartatk[1]))
            You can change the column labels.


            . collect layout (sex#agegrp) (result#(diabetes[1] highbp[1] heartatk[1]))
            Collection: table1
                  Rows: sex#agegrp
               Columns: result#(diabetes[1] highbp[1] heartatk[1])
               Table 1: 17 x 6
                          |   Percent   Number of nonmissing values               Percent   Number of nonmissing values              Percent   Number of nonmissing values
                          |  Diabetes             Diabetes            High blood pressure       High blood pressure       Prior heart attack        Prior heart attack    
                          |       Yes                           Yes                   Yes                           Yes                  Yes                           Yes
            Sex           |                                                                                                                                              
              Male        |                                                                                                                                              
                Age group |                                                                                                                                              
                  20–29   |      0.36                             4                 26.08                           291                                                  
                  30–39   |      0.39                             3                 37.66                           290                 0.26                             2
                  40–49   |      2.62                            16                 44.92                           274                 1.97                            12
                  50–59   |      5.32                            32                 57.64                           347                 7.64                            46
                  60–69   |      8.04                           110                 58.51                           801                13.44                           184
                  70+     |     11.61                            52                 67.19                           301                16.52                            74
              Female      |                                                                                                                                              
                Age group |                                                                                                                                              
                  20–29   |      0.91                            11                  8.39                           101                 0.08                             1
                  30–39   |      2.12                            18                 19.37                           165                 0.24                             2
                  40–49   |      3.93                            26                 34.44                           228                 1.21                             8
                  50–59   |      5.81                            40                 51.38                           354                 3.34                            23
                  60–69   |      8.58                           128                 58.08                           866                 5.43                            81
                  70+     |     10.97                            59                 66.54                           358                 7.99                            43
            Last edited by Andrew Musau; 26 Aug 2024, 13:31.


            • #7

              How do I change the label "Number of nonmissing values" to "N"?
              Last edited by Castor Comploj; 20 Oct 2024, 08:54.


              • #8
                Also, in addition to #7, the solution above is not complete. The number of nonmissing observations that I need in this case is the total yes/no, not only those with diabetes==yes.
                See this, the 4 is the one that came out from your answer #6:
                HTML Code:
                . bys sex: tab agegrp diab
                -> sex = Male
                           |       Diabetes
                 Age group |        No        Yes |     Total
                     20–29 |     1,112          4 |     1,116 
                     30–39 |       767          3 |       770 
                     40–49 |       594         16 |       610 
                     50–59 |       570         32 |       602 
                     60–69 |     1,259        110 |     1,369 
                       70+ |       396         52 |       448 
                     Total |     4,698        217 |     4,915 

