Originally posted by George Ford
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I ran this and got these results:
gen t2treat = Year - _nfd (552 missing values generated) . egen controlmean = mean(cond(t2treat==.,OverallBalanceDeficit,.)), by(Year) . tab _nfd _nfd | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- 2013 | 146 23.32 23.32 2014 | 233 37.22 60.54 2015 | 47 7.51 68.05 2016 | 32 5.11 73.16 2017 | 71 11.34 84.50 2018 | 43 6.87 91.37 2019 | 54 8.63 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 626 100.00 . foreach t in 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 { 2. egen treatmean`t' = mean(cond(_nfd==`t',OverallBalanceDeficit,.)), by(Year) 3. g diffmean`t' = treatmean`t' - controlmean 4. } . . foreach t in 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 { 2. twoway connected controlmean Year , sort || connected treatmean`t' Year , sort xline(`t') name(group`t', replace) 3. twoway connected diffmean`t' Year , sort xline(`t') name(group`t'_diff, replace) 4. } . end of do-file
lag10 contains very few observations so that's why you see the spike in the treatment there. It refers to 2013 treatment year. I might even drop it.