Dear Bruno,
For your first question: yes, if you believe in the conditional parallel trends assumption, i.e. that parallel trends hold only conditional on the covariates. Be mindful that covariates must be pre-determined with respect to treatment; Zeldow and Hatfield (2021) discuss the perils of controlling for endogenous covariates.
Post-treatment interaction coefficients will give you year-by-year treatment effects. That is different from the parallel trends assumption. You cannot test for parallel trends after treatment because you do not observe the untreated-post outcome for the treated group. That's why we use the trend of the control group to impute this value and calculate the ATT: E(Y1 - Y0 | D=1, Post=1).
Hope this helps.
For your first question: yes, if you believe in the conditional parallel trends assumption, i.e. that parallel trends hold only conditional on the covariates. Be mindful that covariates must be pre-determined with respect to treatment; Zeldow and Hatfield (2021) discuss the perils of controlling for endogenous covariates.
Post-treatment interaction coefficients will give you year-by-year treatment effects. That is different from the parallel trends assumption. You cannot test for parallel trends after treatment because you do not observe the untreated-post outcome for the treated group. That's why we use the trend of the control group to impute this value and calculate the ATT: E(Y1 - Y0 | D=1, Post=1).
Hope this helps.