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  • Need to combine variables

    Sorry to ask for help on something that should be simple but I can't get it to work. I constructed the attached data set on roll call voting in the Senate. I
    need to combine the variables yesvotes and novotes to obtain a measure of total voting behavior, But when I try to do so, I wind up with a total of 2 votes and the rest of the values are
    missing, There must be a simple solution to the problem but I can't find it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks,

    Ric Uslaner
    Attached Files

  • #2

    You've been a member of the forum since 2014 and of the list server previously since at least 2002, which is the year of the oldest surviving archives. You're not new to Statalist and should be familiar with good practice here. gives a concise reminder.

    We ask please that you post example data using dataex, not .dta files.

    We ask please that for this kind of question you show your data precisely -- variables you have, variables you want -- and the code you tried.

    Not doing any of these is, I can guess confidently, why this question got no response before now.

