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  • Meta set problem

    Dear all
    I'm using StataNow 18.5
    SE—Standard Edition
    Windows 10 - 64 bit

    When I use
    db meta
    and I use the GUI "declare generic, precomputed effect size" using only Treatment effect (TE) and Standard Error of TE (sTE)
    the program automatically adds options and an error results:

    meta set TE sTE, civarlevel(99.9) civartolerance() studylabel(var1) nometashow
    option civartolerance() incorrectly specified

    If I use manually in the command line (it is a simple example)

    meta set TE sTE

    it is all OK: see below

    Meta-analysis setting information

    Study information
    No. of studies: 3
    Study label: Generic
    Study size: N/A

    Effect size
    Type: <generic>
    Label: Effect size
    Variable: TE

    Std. err.: sTE
    CI: [_meta_cil, _meta_ciu]
    CI level: 95%

    Model and method
    Model: Random effects
    Method: REML

    what am I doing wrong? Mario Petretta
    Mario Petretta

  • #2
    Originally posted by Mario Petretta View Post
    meta set TE sTE, civarlevel(99.9) civartolerance() studylabel(var1) nometashow
    option civartolerance() incorrectly specified
    The error message is clear. From the documentation, the option -civartolerance()- expects a number.

    civartolerance(#) is relevant only when you specify CI variables cilvar and ciuvar with meta set. cilvar and ciuvar must define
    a symmetric CI based on the normal distribution. civartolerance() specifies the tolerance to check whether the CI is
    symmetric. The default is civartolerance(1e-6). Symmetry is declared when reldif(ciuvar - esvar, esvar - cilvar) < #.
    Why add it if you are not explicitly specifying a tolerance level? Just omit it and Stata will use its default value (1e-6) if the option is needed.

    ADDED IN EDIT: I may have misread your issue. If what you state is that you get this error when using the command's menu, then it may be a bug that you can report to Technical Services at
    Last edited by Andrew Musau; 26 Jul 2024, 04:29.


    • #3
      The problem is that when I write in the command window:
      meta set TE sTE
      it is all OK

      Wen i try to use meta set in the graphical interface after db meta an error results:
      I try:
      meta set TE sTE

      the response in the results window is
      meta set TE sTE, civarlevel(99.9) civartolerance() studylabel(var1) nometashow
      option civartolerance() incorrectly specified

      what am I doing wrong?
      Mario Petretta


      • #4
        I have just tried this myself, and indeed the GUI does seem to be auto-generating the civartolerance() option, so that if the user does not specify a value for this option, the result is an error. This does sound like a bug.


        • #5
          Tx David. Yes. This does sound like a bug.
          Mario Petretta

