I am running CIPS unit root test using the commands;
gen Variable=""
gen CIPS=.
local i 1
foreach var of varlist GDP Life_Expectancy Population_Growth Gross_Fixed_Capital Unemployment{
xtcips `var',maxlag(1) bglag(1) trend
replace Variable= subinstr("`var'","_", " ", .) in `i'
replace CIPS = r(cips) in `i'
local ++i
format CIPS %9.3f
drop if missing(Variable)
keep Variable CIPS
list, clean
texsave using cipsroottestlevels.tex, title(CIPS unit root test) width(5in) footnote(Source: Constructed by Author) replace
My panel is balanced but I keep getting error "variable Variable was str1 now str3
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
panel must be balanced
invalid syntax
Can anyone please suggest alternative commands or approach. Thank you.
gen Variable=""
gen CIPS=.
local i 1
foreach var of varlist GDP Life_Expectancy Population_Growth Gross_Fixed_Capital Unemployment{
xtcips `var',maxlag(1) bglag(1) trend
replace Variable= subinstr("`var'","_", " ", .) in `i'
replace CIPS = r(cips) in `i'
local ++i
format CIPS %9.3f
drop if missing(Variable)
keep Variable CIPS
list, clean
texsave using cipsroottestlevels.tex, title(CIPS unit root test) width(5in) footnote(Source: Constructed by Author) replace
My panel is balanced but I keep getting error "variable Variable was str1 now str3
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
panel must be balanced
invalid syntax
Can anyone please suggest alternative commands or approach. Thank you.