Dear STATA users
I am analysing the impact on GDP (dependent variable) of 2 independent variables related to education (Grad10 and Grad18). I consider these variables to be predetermined. I apply system GMM using the xtabond2 command. In addition, I use time dummies
The issue is that when I analyse the two independent variables (Grad10 and Grad18):
- the parameters are not significant for either of the two variables
- the constant is not significant either
- the Hansen value is higher than 3
On the other hand, if I analyse the independent variables separately, i.e. I run a panel for each variable, with respect to the Grad10 variable.
- The parameter is significant
- The constant in the model is significant
- Hansen's value is between 1-3.
And with respect to the variable Grad18 (also analysed separately), neither the parameter nor the constant is significant.
My question is, does the fact that the model calculated exclusively with variable Grad10 is correct add any relevant information?
Of course, I understand that the significance of the parameters changes when you add variables, but the problem is that adding variables messes up the model, and furthermore, the variable that was significant when analysed independently is no longer significant. In other words, can it get to the point where variables that are significant (when analysed independently) are no longer significant? Sorry if this is a very basic question, but I am a beginner.
Thank you very much for your help.
I am analysing the impact on GDP (dependent variable) of 2 independent variables related to education (Grad10 and Grad18). I consider these variables to be predetermined. I apply system GMM using the xtabond2 command. In addition, I use time dummies
The issue is that when I analyse the two independent variables (Grad10 and Grad18):
- the parameters are not significant for either of the two variables
- the constant is not significant either
- the Hansen value is higher than 3
On the other hand, if I analyse the independent variables separately, i.e. I run a panel for each variable, with respect to the Grad10 variable.
- The parameter is significant
- The constant in the model is significant
- Hansen's value is between 1-3.
And with respect to the variable Grad18 (also analysed separately), neither the parameter nor the constant is significant.
My question is, does the fact that the model calculated exclusively with variable Grad10 is correct add any relevant information?
Of course, I understand that the significance of the parameters changes when you add variables, but the problem is that adding variables messes up the model, and furthermore, the variable that was significant when analysed independently is no longer significant. In other words, can it get to the point where variables that are significant (when analysed independently) are no longer significant? Sorry if this is a very basic question, but I am a beginner.
Thank you very much for your help.