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  • Double robust method omits estimates, DID, Callaway and Sant’Anna, 2021

    I am using Callaway and Sant’Anna 2021 estimating the treatment effects of a staggered treatment on school enrollment.
    I used the outcome regression method. I can get the estimates for all groups. However, when I use the double robust method (dripw), the estimates for group 1994 are omitted. I did the following checks.
    1. The covariates for g1994 are all missing: No, the missing situation is similar to other groups.
    2. The overlapping of the covariates is worse for g1994: It seems not the case too.
    Might you have any insights on why the estimates for g1994 are missing? Please see the attached codes, data, and results for more details. Thanks!

    Here is my code.
    use "$path\analysis\temp\data_reg_sample.dta",clear
    global cov_mix dist_rev_pupil dist_total_race dist_white city sub town schl_total_race schl_white
    csdid total_race $cov_mix if sample_exist_allyears==1&flag_gap==0&flag_state==0, ivar(schlid) time(year) gvar(policy_time) method(dripw)
    estat event, estore(cs)
    Here is the policy_time variable.
    policy_time |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
              0 |    726,245       48.64       48.64
           1992 |     44,733        3.00       51.64
           1993 |     27,118        1.82       53.46
           1994 |    135,837        9.10       62.55
           1996 |     78,182        5.24       67.79
           1997 |     37,739        2.53       70.32
           1998 |     46,189        3.09       73.41
           1999 |    208,806       13.99       87.40
           2000 |    169,442       11.35       98.75
           2001 |     18,733        1.25      100.00
          Total |  1,493,024      100.00
    Here is my data.
    * Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
    input float schlid int(year policy_time) float total_race long dist_rev_pupil float dist_total_race long dist_white float(city sub town schl_total_race) int schl_white
    1 1990 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    1 1991 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    1 1992 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    1 1993 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    1 1994 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    1 1995 1996 123 . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    1 1996 1996 127 . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    1 1997 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    1 1998 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    1 1999 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    1 2000 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    1 2001 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    1 2002 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    2 1990 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    2 1991 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    2 1992 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    2 1993 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    2 1994 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    2 1995 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    2 1996 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    2 1997 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    2 1998 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    2 1999 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    2 2000 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    2 2001 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    2 2002 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    3 1990 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    3 1991 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    3 1992 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    3 1993 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    3 1994 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    3 1995 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    3 1996 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    3 1997 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    3 1998 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    3 1999 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    3 2000 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    3 2001 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    3 2002 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    4 1990 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    4 1991 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    4 1992 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    4 1993 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    4 1994 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    4 1995 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    4 1996 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    4 1997 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    4 1998 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    4 1999 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    4 2000 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    4 2001 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    4 2002 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    5 1990 1996 115 . 439 150 1 0 0 115 53
    5 1991 1996 104 . 439 150 1 0 0 115 53
    5 1992 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0 115 53
    5 1993 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0 115 53
    5 1994 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0 115 53
    5 1995 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0 115 53
    5 1996 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0 115 53
    5 1997 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0 115 53
    5 1998 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0 115 53
    5 1999 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0 115 53
    5 2000 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0 115 53
    5 2001 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0 115 53
    5 2002 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0 115 53
    6 1990 1996 205 . 439 150 1 0 0 205 68
    6 1991 1996 196 . 439 150 1 0 0 205 68
    6 1992 1996 224 . 439 150 1 0 0 205 68
    6 1993 1996 255 . 439 150 1 0 0 205 68
    6 1994 1996 260 . 439 150 1 0 0 205 68
    6 1995 1996 258 . 439 150 1 0 0 205 68
    6 1996 1996 328 . 439 150 1 0 0 205 68
    6 1997 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0 205 68
    6 1998 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0 205 68
    6 1999 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0 205 68
    6 2000 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0 205 68
    6 2001 1996 624 . 439 150 1 0 0 205 68
    6 2002 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0 205 68
    7 1990 1996 119 . 439 150 1 0 0 119 29
    7 1991 1996 126 . 439 150 1 0 0 119 29
    7 1992 1996 231 . 439 150 1 0 0 119 29
    7 1993 1996 228 . 439 150 1 0 0 119 29
    7 1994 1996 127 . 439 150 1 0 0 119 29
    7 1995 1996 128 . 439 150 1 0 0 119 29
    7 1996 1996 138 . 439 150 1 0 0 119 29
    7 1997 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0 119 29
    7 1998 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0 119 29
    7 1999 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0 119 29
    7 2000 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0 119 29
    7 2001 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0 119 29
    7 2002 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0 119 29
    8 1990 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    8 1991 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    8 1992 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    8 1993 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    8 1994 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    8 1995 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    8 1996 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    8 1997 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .
    8 1998 1996   . . 439 150 1 0 0   .  .

    Here are part of my results
    g1994        |
     t_1990_1991 |          0  (omitted)
     t_1991_1992 |          0  (omitted)
     t_1992_1993 |          0  (omitted)
     t_1993_1994 |          0  (omitted)
     t_1993_1995 |          0  (omitted)
     t_1993_1996 |          0  (omitted)
     t_1993_1997 |          0  (omitted)
     t_1993_1998 |          0  (omitted)
     t_1993_1999 |          0  (omitted)
     t_1993_2000 |          0  (omitted)
     t_1993_2001 |          0  (omitted)
     t_1993_2002 |          0  (omitted)
    g1996        |
     t_1990_1991 |  -1.677059    1.28799    -1.30   0.193    -4.201473    .8473537
     t_1991_1992 |  -.0237585   1.247963    -0.02   0.985    -2.469721    2.422204
     t_1992_1993 |   .3585908   1.332869     0.27   0.788    -2.253785    2.970967
     t_1993_1994 |   3.328838   1.225954     2.72   0.007     .9260135    5.731663
     t_1994_1995 |   .9417342   1.151133     0.82   0.413    -1.314445    3.197914
     t_1995_1996 |   .0195993   1.584956     0.01   0.990    -3.086857    3.126055
     t_1995_1997 |  -1.333024   1.964771    -0.68   0.497    -5.183904    2.517857
     t_1995_1998 |  -.6728093   2.307083    -0.29   0.771    -5.194609    3.848991
     t_1995_1999 |   4.063073   2.714508     1.50   0.134    -1.257266    9.383412
     t_1995_2000 |   5.373174   2.984525     1.80   0.072    -.4763882    11.22274
     t_1995_2001 |   5.737148   3.264699     1.76   0.079    -.6615453    12.13584
     t_1995_2002 |   2.819582    3.49881     0.81   0.420     -4.03796    9.677124
    g1997        |
     t_1990_1991 |  -6.304111   3.434251    -1.84   0.066    -13.03512    .4268978
     t_1991_1992 |  -3.871075   2.257694    -1.71   0.086    -8.296073    .5539239
     t_1992_1993 |  -6.056548   5.125531    -1.18   0.237     -16.1024    3.989307
     t_1993_1994 |   .6657653   2.421522     0.27   0.783     -4.08033    5.411861
     t_1994_1995 |   9.628556   2.580237     3.73   0.000     4.571384    14.68573
     t_1995_1996 |    8.05734   2.149519     3.75   0.000      3.84436    12.27032
     t_1996_1997 |   1.352238   5.222472     0.26   0.796    -8.883618    11.58809
     t_1996_1998 |    8.04696   6.274062     1.28   0.200    -4.249976     20.3439
     t_1996_1999 |   12.79983   11.83289     1.08   0.279    -10.39221    35.99187
     t_1996_2000 |   11.29332    14.7753     0.76   0.445    -17.66574    40.25239
     t_1996_2001 |   5.736991   22.44627     0.26   0.798    -38.25689    49.73087
     t_1996_2002 |  -.3827442   27.14797    -0.01   0.989    -53.59179     52.8263

  • #2
    FernandoRios Might you have any insights? Thanks!

