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  • oneway Bonferroni


    I'm trying to do a cross-group comparison, where I compare 5 treatment groups (a control group and 4 experimental groups) in terms of a characteristic of the block in which the participants of each group reside (proportion of white residents)

    Given that I'm comparing 5 groups, I used a oneway anova with the Bonferroni procedure (syntax and output below).

    I'm struggling to understand why the F-test suggests that there is a signficant difference in the mean of the proportion of white residents between the 5 treatment groups, while the p-values of the group-to-group comparison do not suggest that there is a significant difference in any of the pairwise group-to-group comparisons (C and T1, T1 and T2, C and T2, etc.). Given that the F-test suggests that there is a significant difference between groups, I would have expected that to be driven by differences between two pairs of groups or more. Does anyone know how to interpret this or whether I'm misinterpeting the output?

    Thank you!

    oneway perc_white treatment, bonferroni
                            Analysis of variance
        Source              SS         df      MS            F     Prob > F
    Between groups      1.16692792      4    .29173198      2.52     0.0399
     Within groups       130.64936   1127   .115926672
        Total           131.816287   1131   .116548442
    Bartlett's equal-variances test: chi2(4) =   2.1741    Prob>chi2 = 0.704
                        Comparison of perc_white by treatment
    Row Mean-|
    Col Mean |          C         T1     T2_AT2     T2_AT3
          T1 |   -.060074
             |      0.687
      T2_AT2 |    .004283    .064357
             |      1.000      0.464
      T2_AT3 |   -.039424     .02065   -.043707
             |      1.000      1.000      1.000
       T3_NA |   -.078697   -.018623    -.08298   -.039273
             |      0.174      1.000      0.105      1.000

  • #2
    Duplicate post. See reply at Oneway Bonferroni - Statalist
    Kind regards,
    (StataNow 18.5)

