Dear Profs and colleagues,
I need the standard deviation of coefficients so I use listcoef after reg var which works. However when I apply listcoef after ivreg2 it says "listcoef does not work with ivreg2". I believe that there might exist a common /way that is compatible with ivreg2. Any ideas are appreciated.
I need the standard deviation of coefficients so I use listcoef after reg var which works. However when I apply listcoef after ivreg2 it says "listcoef does not work with ivreg2". I believe that there might exist a common /way that is compatible with ivreg2. Any ideas are appreciated.
ivreg2 ln_labor_productivity_w (hi_nationality =IV ) logsize foreign_aff i.year i.sector i.region ltenur lfirmage multi lageworker share_9 share_12 share_uni ethnic1 ethnic2 ethnic3 ethnic4 ethnic5 ethnic6 ethnic7 ethnic8 , first robust