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  • PPMLHDFE and bilateral trade

    Thanks for your helpful comments. I am working on a study about the impact of institution quality on bilateral trade among MENA countries. I have only MENA countries in the original and destination observations. I have this code
    ppmlhdfe t ldist col45 comlang_off contig lgdp_o lgdp_d lpop_o lpop_d fta_wto linqulo linquld, absorb(i.imp#c.year i.exp#c.year imp#exp) cluster(imp#exp)
    However, I got these results:

    HDFE PPML regression No. of obs = 13,485

    Absorbing 3 HDFE groups Residual df = 878

    Statistics robust to heteroskedasticity Wald chi2(10) = 352.78

    Deviance = 741772633.3 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000

    Log pseudolikelihood = -370959484.1 Pseudo R2 = 0.9444

    Number of clusters (imp#exp)= 879

    (Std. err. adjusted for 879 clusters in imp#exp)


    t Coefficient std. err. z P>z [95% conf. interval]

    ldist .1130914 .519204 0.22 0.828 -.9045298 1.130713

    col45 0 (omitted)

    comlang_off .8465815 365.7479 0.00 0.998 -716.0061 717.6993

    contig -1.227287 447.2448 -0.00 0.998 -877.8111 875.3565

    lgdp_o .5951616 .1206984 4.93 0.000 .358597 .8317261

    lgdp_d .7417076 .0944459 7.85 0.000 .556597 .9268182

    lpop_o -.0014878 .2368235 -0.01 0.995 -.4656533 .4626777

    lpop_d .063504 .2677218 0.24 0.813 -.4612211 .5882291

    fta_wto .286897 .1082046 2.65 0.008 .0748199 .4989741

    linqulo .2195042 .3682029 0.60 0.551 -.5021602 .9411686

    linquld -.3115027 .1948589 -1.60 0.110 -.6934191 .0704136

    _cons -12.54079 188.1845 -0.07 0.947 -381.3756 356.294

    Absorbed degrees of freedom:

    Absorbed FE Categories - Redundant = Num. Coefs


    imp#c.year 31 0 31 ?

    exp#c.year 31 0 31 ?

    imp#exp 879 879 0 *

    ? = number of redundant parameters may be higher

    * = FE nested within cluster; treated as redundant for DoF computationI am trying to capture the importer and exporter fixed effect. Do my results look OK?