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  • 95% CI for Age-adjusted incidence rate


    I am calculating the age-standardised cancer incidence rates for multiple states. I have used the distrate command to determine the ASR for each state along with the 95% confidence interval for each. This worked well.
    I also want to present the 95% CI for the age-adjusted rates that is the incidence rate in each age group (Crude rate* age specific population weight). The distrate command does not give a breakdown of the results by age group.

    Any help will be appreciated.

    Here is a subset of my data:
    HTML Code:
    State agegroup cases_2007_2020 avgannualcases population_2007_2020 Crude_R Segi_pop Segi_pwt age_sp_rate_Segi
    A 20-39 2 0.142857 100662 1.98685 28000 0.4666667 0.9271967
    A 40-59 12 0.857143 81640 14.6987 21000 0.35 5.144538
    A >=60 8 0.571429 31425 25.4574 11000 0.1833333 4.667197
    A All age 22 1.57143 213727 10.2935 60000 1 10.73893
    B 20-39 7 0.5 96525 7.25201 28000 0.4666667 3.384271
    B 40-59 19 1.35714 113303 16.7692 21000 0.35 5.869216
    B >=60 8 0.571429 28711 27.8639 11000 0.1833333 5.108378
    B All age 34 2.42857 238539 14.2534 60000 1 14.36187
    C 20-39 32 2.28571 238552 13.4143 28000 0.4666667 6.259993
    C 40-59 58 4.14286 144346 40.1812 21000 0.35 14.06343
    C >=60 19 1.35714 48404 39.2529 11000 0.1833333 7.196374
    C All age 109 7.78571 431302 25.2723 60000 1 27.5198
    Here is the distrate command:
    distrate cases_2007_2020 population_2007_2020 using SEGi_pop_3groups.dta, standstrata(agegroup) popstand(Popwt)  mult(100000) format(%8.1f) formatn(7)
    Here is the result:
    State cases_2007_2020 N UScrude USrateadj USlb_gam USub_gam USse_gam USlb_dob USub_dob USsrr USlb_srr USub_srr
    A 22 213727 10.3 10.7 6.7 16.3 2.4 6.7 16.3 0.5 0.3 0.8
    B 34 238539 14.3 14.4 9.7 20.4 2.6 9.7 20.4 0.7 0.5 1
    C 109 431302 25.3 27.5 22.5 33.4 2.7 22.5 33.4 1.3 1.1 1.6
    Last edited by Josna Rani; 28 Jun 2024, 13:02.