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  • I cannot use combomarginsplot

    I found a do file that I used to work with where I used the command "combomarginsplot". I have word outputs with this charts but I want to used it now (running my do file) and it says "this is version 14.2 of Stata; it cannot run version 16.0 programs. You can purchase the latest version of Stata by visiting".
    Is it possible that you removed the right to use this command in my Stata 14 version? is it possible to pay only for this command? I am not a heavy user and I don't want to pay for a new version (I already paid for that one where I could use this command for life). Thank you,

  • #2
    Some confusion here.

    combomarginsplot from SSC requires Stata 16; has that changed? If so, it will have been what the programmer did and not at the behest of StataCorp.
    It's free to download.

    combomarginsplot12 is in the same package and should meet your needs. It's quite possibly what you used before, or its equivalent.

