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  • How can I edit the number that the x axis starts with in a twoway graph?

    Hi! How can I edit the number that the x axis starts with in a twoway graph? For example, from 0
    this is my code:
    twoway (bar Aprobacióndelgobierno PresentaAC, barw(0.15)) || (rcap yu y1 PresentaAC), legend(order(1 "Aprobación Promedio" 2 "IC")) xlabel(0 "No" 1 "Sí") ytitle(`"Aprobación de Gobierno (%)"') ylabel(, angle(horizontal))

  • #2

    * show graphs that you are talking about, so that we can see the problem

    * (not essential here, but never useless) show example data using dataex

    Both points are covered at

    The answer to your question was already included in the code in my answer to your last question, #2 at

    In short, the xscale() option can be used to extend the x axis.

    help axis scale options
    Please read the rest of the FAQ Advice (first link here) now. Among other things, it points up the value of

    * closing a thread with thanks -- or a statement of how you solved the problem differently

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