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  • propensity score matching


    I am trying to run a model with propensity score matching with the following inputs: teffects psmatch (w_car10102) (Listed DealvaluethUSD_x lnmarketcap dealsize leverage w_profitability CashOnlyDeal multiple_acquisitions1010, probit). When I do this my results give:
    there are 7 propensity scores greater than 1 - 1.00e-05
    treatment overlap assumption has been violated; use the osample() option to identify the observations

    However when I then try to use the osample() option I do not get results. I do not know how to fix this so that I get my output, do I need to drop these 7 propensity scores or how am I able to fix this?

    edit: when I remove DealvaluehtUSD_x I do not get this error?

    Thanks in advance
    Last edited by Max van Paridon; 26 Jun 2024, 06:44.

  • #2
    You can estimate the probit model “by hand,” get the fitted values, and check for those very close to one. Some people recommend dropping observations with phat < 0.1 or phat > 0.9.


    • #3
      I've run into the same problem.

      If you're new to this, I recommend you go through this:
      HTML Code:
      It will allow you to do what Jeff recommends, and you'll learn a lot.

      Anytime I use the teffects commands, I make sure to do it by hand so I know what's going on under the hood.

      I thought Scott C's exercise here was really neat:
      HTML Code:

