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  • Exporting Correlation Matrix to Excel

    I am having trouble exporting my correlation matrix to Excel. From what I could find online, I tried the following code, which returned "using not allowed." Help!

    putexcel A1 = matrix(r(C), names) using "file_name.xlsx", replace sheet(RQ1.1, replace)

  • #2
    Caroline, you could try something like this:

    * excel
    putexcel set "file_name.xlsx", sheet(title) modify

    * data
    use "D:\example\xyz.dta"

    * correlation
    corr V035 V033 V044

    putexcel A1 = matrix(r(C)), names


    • #3
      Thanks, Simon! I did the following:
      putexcel set "file_name.xlsx", sheet(RQ1.1, replace) modify
      pwcorr v1 v2 v3, sig star(.05)
      putexcel A1 = matrix(r(C)), names
      However, the p-values don't get exported. Do you know how to solve this?


      • #4
        The following uses estout from SSC, which you can export as a CSV file and open in Excel:


        • #5
          Caroline, I mainly use putdocx, to create word documents. I didn't figure out a way to include the significance stars using putexcel.

          So I first used collect layout to build a collection. I then exported it to excel. You need Stata 17 or higher.
          I jut realized, that you could also use putexcel to save the collection to excel.

          This is well documented in "STATA customizable tables and collected results reference manual" (example 1).

          collect clear

          * Data
          use "D:\xyz.dta"

          * correlation
          pwcorr V033 V044 V050, sig star(0.5)

          * building a collection
          matrix define vech = vech(r(C))
          collect get corr=vech(r(C)) sig=vech(r(sig))
          collect layout (rowname#result) (roweq)
          collect stars sig 0.01 "***" 0.05 "**" 0.1 "*", attach(corr) shownote
          collect style cell result[corr], maximum(0.99, label("-")) nformat(%6.4f) halign(center)
          collect layout (rowname#result[corr]) (roweq)

          * a) export to excel
          *collect export myfile.xlsx, replace

          * b) putexcel
          putexcel A1 = collect
          There are a lot of possibilities for layouting the table.

          Hope, it helps.
          Last edited by Simon Pfaff; 27 Jun 2024, 05:36.

