Hi everyone,
I'm analyzing the formal/informal pay gap using the RIF decomposition from Fernando Rios's RIF package in Stata. Here’s the command I’m using:
oaxaca_rif ln_wage experience experience_sq education_Below_primary education_Primary education_Tenth_grade education_Secondary education_Bachelor education_Masters_above female hh_size caste_group_6_Janajati caste_group_6_Adhibasi caste_group_6_Madhesi caste_group_6_Dalit caste_group_6_Others married voc_train migrated_fr_job tot_chores_hrs urban overtime_40 if year == 2018, by(formal_employment) rif(q(10)) wgt(1) rwprobit(experience experience_sq education_Below_primary education_Primary education_Tenth_grade education_Secondary education_Bachelor education_Masters_above) swap
I'm facing a few issues and would appreciate your help:
I'm analyzing the formal/informal pay gap using the RIF decomposition from Fernando Rios's RIF package in Stata. Here’s the command I’m using:
oaxaca_rif ln_wage experience experience_sq education_Below_primary education_Primary education_Tenth_grade education_Secondary education_Bachelor education_Masters_above female hh_size caste_group_6_Janajati caste_group_6_Adhibasi caste_group_6_Madhesi caste_group_6_Dalit caste_group_6_Others married voc_train migrated_fr_job tot_chores_hrs urban overtime_40 if year == 2018, by(formal_employment) rif(q(10)) wgt(1) rwprobit(experience experience_sq education_Below_primary education_Primary education_Tenth_grade education_Secondary education_Bachelor education_Masters_above) swap
I'm facing a few issues and would appreciate your help:
- Global Options: Is it possible to use global macros for variables like education and caste_group_6? When I tried, the command seemed to ignore the global values.
- Multiple Quantiles: Can I calculate RIF for multiple quantiles at once, e.g., rif(q(10(10)90)) instead of just rif(q(10))?
- Selection Bias Adjustment: I have a variable HH_formal (number of formal employees in the household except self) that I want to use as an instrument variable. Can I adjust for selection bias using this variable?