Dear reader,
I am running a 2SLS to understand the effect of education on voting.
My first stage uses whether an individual was affected by compulsory primary school education laws (due to their age) (variable name age_bi) to predict values for whether an individual actually completed primary school (variable name com_pri).
The second stage regresses whether an individual voted in the last election (variable name vote_bi) on the predicted values from the first stage.
Additionally, I control for gender and age at both stages.
My code at this point is: ivregress 2sls vote_bi (com_pri = age_bi) age gender
I also want to include an interaction term to see if the effect of education on voting differs between genders. To do this, I think I need to include an interaction term between com_pri and gender. However, including this as a standard control, like I have for gender or age, would cause it to be controlled for in both stages and I of course don't want it to be controlled for in the first stage.
I essentially want to understand how I can control for age and gender at both stages, but include an interaction term in the second stage only.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
I am running a 2SLS to understand the effect of education on voting.
My first stage uses whether an individual was affected by compulsory primary school education laws (due to their age) (variable name age_bi) to predict values for whether an individual actually completed primary school (variable name com_pri).
The second stage regresses whether an individual voted in the last election (variable name vote_bi) on the predicted values from the first stage.
Additionally, I control for gender and age at both stages.
My code at this point is: ivregress 2sls vote_bi (com_pri = age_bi) age gender
I also want to include an interaction term to see if the effect of education on voting differs between genders. To do this, I think I need to include an interaction term between com_pri and gender. However, including this as a standard control, like I have for gender or age, would cause it to be controlled for in both stages and I of course don't want it to be controlled for in the first stage.
I essentially want to understand how I can control for age and gender at both stages, but include an interaction term in the second stage only.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.