I am trying to create a column of four separate models using etable with a different outcome and the same predictors. However, I am getting duplicate rows of the predictors for each model. I'm guessing I'm at the limit of what etable can do? Can collect more generally help with this?
etable, estimates(Model1 Model2 Model3 Model4 Model5) /// keep (i.status i.region i.regionbr sex_abbrev i.educ_abbrev i.agecat i.yrsinusg_abbrev) /// column(estimates) /// cstat(_r_b, nformat(%4.2f)) /// cstat(_r_ci, cidelimiter(,) nformat(%6.2f)) /// showstars showstarsnote /// stars(.05 "*" .01 "**" .001 "***", attach(_r_b)) /// mstat(N, nformat(%8.0fc) label("Observations")) /// mstat(r2_p, nformat(%5.4f) label("Pseudo R2")) /// title(Table 1: Health Outcomes for Black Individuals, by Legal Status) /// titlestyles(font(Calibri, size(14) bold)) /// export(results_table_race2.docx, replace)