Hi everyone,
With data from a prospective cohort study, I want to look at patients taking 3 drugs. Among those, I would like to compare characteristics and outcomes of those who remained on 3 drugs during follow-up (nonswitchers), and those who switched to a simpler regimen with 2 drugs during follow-up (switchers). The "index date" (or baseline date) of switchers will be defined as the date of switching (switch_date) to the 2 drug regimen. In order to define an index date for non-switchers, I would like to randomly assign a switch date of switchers to non-switchers. There are more switchers than non-switchers in the dataset. Can anyone help me how to do this? The problem is that the follow-up durations and times of the non-switchers vary, and by randomly assigning a switch date of switchers to non-switchers results in some "index dates" that are outside of the actual follow-up times of the non-switchers.
This is how I tried:
First, I generated a dataset of non-switchers, including a unique id (variable id), the start of follow-up (i.e., the date when the patient started using 3 drugs, variable firstmoddate), and the end of follow-up (variable lastenddate).
I then assigned a random number (variable rand) to every id, and I saved this dateset as nonswitchers.dta:
Second, I extracted all switch dates of the switchers (n=977) to a separate dataset.
I then assigned a number from 1 to 977 (variable rand), and merged the dataset contaning the switch dates with the dataset of the non-switchers based on the variable rand:
The problem is that more then 30% of the switch date that were randomly assigned to the non-switchers are outside of the follow-up time (i.e. before firstmoddate or after lastenddate). Is there a way to randomly assign a switch date of switchers to non-switchers that is within the follow-up time of the non-switchers?
I use Stata version 16.1 on Windows.
With data from a prospective cohort study, I want to look at patients taking 3 drugs. Among those, I would like to compare characteristics and outcomes of those who remained on 3 drugs during follow-up (nonswitchers), and those who switched to a simpler regimen with 2 drugs during follow-up (switchers). The "index date" (or baseline date) of switchers will be defined as the date of switching (switch_date) to the 2 drug regimen. In order to define an index date for non-switchers, I would like to randomly assign a switch date of switchers to non-switchers. There are more switchers than non-switchers in the dataset. Can anyone help me how to do this? The problem is that the follow-up durations and times of the non-switchers vary, and by randomly assigning a switch date of switchers to non-switchers results in some "index dates" that are outside of the actual follow-up times of the non-switchers.
This is how I tried:
First, I generated a dataset of non-switchers, including a unique id (variable id), the start of follow-up (i.e., the date when the patient started using 3 drugs, variable firstmoddate), and the end of follow-up (variable lastenddate).
* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex clear input double id float(firstmoddate lastenddate) 10184 19663 23139 10190 19663 23260 10358 19663 23152 10366 19663 23209 10405 19663 21171 10435 19663 23111 10468 19663 23160 10555 19663 23195 10556 19663 23230 10568 19663 20044 end format %td firstmoddate format %td lastenddate
set seed 20240516 generate rand=runiformint(0,977) save "nonswitchers.dta", replace
* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex clear input float switchdate 20346 21110 20835 21717 19722 19705 20922 21257 20516 23112 end format %td switchdate
gen rand=_n merge 1:m rand using "nonswitchers.dta" keep if _merge==3
I use Stata version 16.1 on Windows.