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  • I/O error after collapse

    Hello everyone,

    I am seeking help regarding the collapse function.
    I have a large dataset with 38million observation and 52 variables. It is large but not massive.

    I am trying to do a collapse or a gcollapse using the gtools. The issue is that I get the "I/O error writing .dta file Usually such I/O errors are caused by the disk or file system being full." but I know for a fact that it is not a problem of space. In fact I am using STATA 18 SE on a server with 400gb of Ram and plenty of hard-drive free space.

    Is there something that I can do? I kind of remember that for a similar issue with the reshape that was solved with increasing the matsize or something similar?

    Any suggestion would be of great help.


  • #2
    Try -collapse, fast- or -gcollapse, fast-.

