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  • How to calculate the probability Pr(y = n) after nbreg - math

    After nbreg, what is the exact math during postestimation to obtain predicted probabilities when n=0, 1, 2.... k? This is not reported on the manual (or did I not found it?).

    In other word, I want to replicate in a website the postestimation option pr(n) after nbreg
    predict p_zero, p(0)
    predict p_one, p(1)
    predict p_two, p(2)
    predict p_three, p(3)
    predict p_four_or_more, p(4,.)

    Thanks in advance to anyone who wants to help me.

  • #2
    Solved, in excel..


    • #3
      Here's one way to do this in Stata, without resorting to Excel.
      cap preserve
      cap drop _all
      set obs 1000
      set seed 2345
      gen x=.5+.5*runiform()
      gen y=rnbinomial(1,x)
      loc ymax=r(max)
      nbreg y x
      forval j=0/`ymax' {
       predict p`j', pr(`j')
      tab y
      sum y p*
      cap restore
      . tab y
                y |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
                0 |        731       73.10       73.10
                1 |        172       17.20       90.30
                2 |         55        5.50       95.80
                3 |         31        3.10       98.90
                4 |          5        0.50       99.40
                5 |          2        0.20       99.60
                6 |          2        0.20       99.80
                8 |          1        0.10       99.90
               13 |          1        0.10      100.00
            Total |      1,000      100.00
      . sum y p*
          Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
                 y |      1,000        .438    .9565935          0         13
                p0 |      1,000    .7320585    .1572274   .4075428   .9405516
                p1 |      1,000    .1718453    .0665825   .0559345   .2509211
                p2 |      1,000    .0557864    .0452106   .0033065   .1435028
                p3 |      1,000    .0219239    .0246726   .0001951   .0847285
                p4 |      1,000    .0095707    .0132037   .0000115   .0499761
                p5 |      1,000    .0044463     .007116   6.77e-07     .02946
                p6 |      1,000    .0021514    .0038737   3.99e-08   .0173592
                p7 |      1,000    .0010715    .0021277   2.35e-09   .0102259
                p8 |      1,000    .0005453    .0011774   1.38e-10   .0060225
                p9 |      1,000    .0002822    .0006555   8.13e-12   .0035463
               p10 |      1,000     .000148    .0003667   4.78e-13    .002088
               p11 |      1,000    .0000785     .000206   2.81e-14   .0012292
               p12 |      1,000     .000042    .0001161   1.65e-15   .0007236
               p13 |      1,000    .0000227    .0000657   9.73e-17   .0004259
      (Added in edit) Of course you may wish to have predictions of outcome probabilities for outcome values outside the sample range. If so replace
      forval j=0/`ymax'
      forval j=0/`nn'
      where nn is a local whose value is the maximum value for which you want a predicted probability.
      Last edited by John Mullahy; 16 Jun 2024, 08:47.

