* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex clear input byte pid double trt byte(gp score) 11 3 1 95 12 3 2 95 13 3 3 85 14 3 4 95 15 3 5 75 16 4 1 70 17 4 2 90 18 4 3 70 19 4 4 81 20 4 5 15 21 5 1 85 22 5 2 80 23 5 3 99 24 5 4 85 25 5 5 11 26 6 1 31 27 6 2 70 28 6 3 27 29 6 4 71 30 6 5 7 31 7 1 21 32 7 2 89 33 7 3 21 34 7 4 62 35 7 5 4 end
. meoprobit score i.trt || gp:,nolog Mixed-effects oprobit regression Number of obs = 25 Group variable: gp Number of groups = 5 Obs per group: min = 5 avg = 5.0 max = 5 Integration method: mvaghermite Integration pts. = 7 Wald chi2(4) = 18.20 Log likelihood = -57.179953 Prob > chi2 = 0.0011 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ score | Coefficient Std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- trt | 3 | 0.000 (base) 4 | -2.001 0.739 -2.71 0.007 -3.450 -0.552 5 | -1.184 0.699 -1.70 0.090 -2.553 0.185 6 | -3.244 0.872 -3.72 0.000 -4.952 -1.535 7 | -3.527 0.895 -3.94 0.000 -5.282 -1.772 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- /cut1 | -6.226 1.541 -9.246 -3.206 /cut2 | -5.271 1.345 -7.906 -2.635 /cut3 | -4.641 1.203 -6.999 -2.283 /cut4 | -4.199 1.129 -6.413 -1.986 /cut5 | -3.480 1.035 -5.509 -1.452 /cut6 | -3.188 1.006 -5.160 -1.216 /cut7 | -2.909 0.978 -4.826 -0.993 /cut8 | -2.630 0.948 -4.488 -0.772 /cut9 | -1.932 0.890 -3.676 -0.188 /cut10 | -1.710 0.872 -3.419 -0.001 /cut11 | -1.442 0.851 -3.111 0.227 /cut12 | -1.188 0.840 -2.834 0.457 /cut13 | -0.971 0.831 -2.600 0.657 /cut14 | -0.373 0.816 -1.973 1.226 /cut15 | -0.141 0.817 -1.741 1.460 /cut16 | 0.195 0.810 -1.392 1.782 /cut17 | 1.291 0.859 -0.392 2.974 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- gp | var(_cons)| 1.866 1.539 0.370 9.401 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LR test vs. oprobit model: chibar2(01) = 11.95 Prob >= chibar2 = 0.0003
. testparm i(3/7).trt ( 1) [score]4.trt = 0 ( 2) [score]5.trt = 0 ( 3) [score]6.trt = 0 ( 4) [score]7.trt = 0 chi2( 4) = 18.20 Prob > chi2 = 0.0011
. pwcompare trt, groups Pairwise comparisons of marginal linear predictions Margins: asbalanced ------------------------------------------------- | Unadjusted | Margin Std. err. groups -------------+----------------------------------- score | trt | 3 | 0.000 0.000 D 4 | -2.001 0.739 BC 5 | -1.184 0.699 CD 6 | -3.244 0.872 AB 7 | -3.527 0.895 A ------------------------------------------------- Note: Margins sharing a letter in the group label are not significantly different at the 5% level.
Eddy Stata IC 17.0