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  • Econometric issue with interaction terms and fixed effects

    Hi all,

    I would like to ask you an econometric question concerning a panel dataset with fixed effects at the individual level in which I need to conduct some heterogeneity analysis.

    Consider 3 variables:
    Y, continuous
    X, continuous
    Z, categorical dummy (e.g. could be equal to 1 if democrat and 0 otherwise)

    Consider also

    X1 = X*Z, which is 0 when Z=0
    X2 = X*(1-Z), which is 0 when Z=1

    In order to estimate heterogenous effects of X on Y based on Z I would like to estimate a model of the form:

    Y = b1X1 + (b1+b2)X2. Sample: all observations

    All other techniques I tried don't work (e.g. sample split based on "if" condition).
    The problem is that my supervisor said that I can't estimate the previous model keeping all the n individual fixed effects at the same time, and that Stata will automatically drop one.

    I don't see why that should happen, because I am not convinced that the estimation gives rise to multicollinearity concerns. Is it that the case instead?

    Many thanks in advance for your help and support!

  • #2
    This is discussed here:
    Maarten L. Buis
    University of Konstanz
    Department of history and sociology
    box 40
    78457 Konstanz


    • #3
      Does X vary over time for each individual?


      • #4
        George Ford yes it does!

        Maarten Buis thank you for the material, looks spot on!


        • #5
          If X varies, then you should be able to estimate:

          reghdfe Y X c.Z#c.X , absorb(pid time)

          You could put Z as a regressor. If time invariant, then it will not get a coefficient.

