I am attempting to estimate a two-way oaxaca decomp in which the coefficents on the x-variables (except the intercept) are equal to the pooled coefficients across groups in calculating the unexplained portion. This is different than utilizing the pooled option, which utilizes the pooled coefficients to calculate the explained portion. Although, I will also use the pooled coefficients to calculate the explained part. In my case, only differences in the intercepts between the two groups would be included in the unexplained portion.
Group 1 (men): Y=a + Bp X
Group 2 (women) Y=A + Bp X
Oaxaca: (Xm - Xw)Bp + (a-A)
Group 1 (men): Y=a + Bp X
Group 2 (women) Y=A + Bp X
Oaxaca: (Xm - Xw)Bp + (a-A)