Hi, I am fairly new to Stata and statisitcs overall. For my thesis I am conducting a random effects panel data. With T much larger than N. I am wondering whether I need to be testing for autocorrelation, heteroskedasticty, cross-sectional dependence, and multicollinearity. Now my question is whether there are other important things I am overlooking or I am doing things wrong? I tested for autocorrelation using a Woolridge test xtserial. I am wondering how to test for heteroskedasiticty in my model. Cross-sectional dependence using a Breusch-Pagan LM test xttest2. Multicollinearity using a VIF test. Hopefully someone can guid me into the right direction. As for me the information on the internet looks quite overwhelming and contradictory, and I have the feeling I am doing entirely wrong. Thanks in advance!
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