Hello there,
I have this code:
est clear
foreach v in place_name_1 {
eststo reg1: qui reg incumbent_supporter just_before_cutoff coethnic_control_cutoff just_activated_cutoff coethnic_treatment_cutoff , cluster(`v')
test just_activated_cutoff - just_before_cutoff = coethnic_treatment_cutoff - coethnic_control_cutoff
eststo reg2: qui reg incumbent_supporter just_before_cutoff coethnic_control_cutoff just_activated_cutoff coethnic_treatment_cutoff $controls , cluster(`v')
test just_activated_cutoff - just_before_cutoff = coethnic_treatment_cutoff - coethnic_control_cutoff
eststo reg3: qui reg incumbent_supporter just_before_cutoff coethnic_control_cutoff just_activated_cutoff coethnic_treatment_cutoff i.country_code , cluster(`v')
test just_activated_cutoff - just_before_cutoff = coethnic_treatment_cutoff - coethnic_control_cutoff
eststo reg4: qui reg incumbent_supporter just_before_cutoff coethnic_control_cutoff just_activated_cutoff coethnic_treatment_cutoff $controls i.country_code , cluster(`v')
test just_activated_cutoff - just_before_cutoff = coethnic_treatment_cutoff - coethnic_control_cutoff
eststo reg5: qui reg incumbent_supporter just_before_cutoff coethnic_control_cutoff just_activated_cutoff coethnic_treatment_cutoff $controls i.year , cluster(`v')
test just_activated_cutoff - just_before_cutoff = coethnic_treatment_cutoff - coethnic_control_cutoff
eststo reg6: qui reg incumbent_supporter just_before_cutoff coethnic_control_cutoff just_activated_cutoff coethnic_treatment_cutoff $controls i.country_code i.year , cluster(`v')
test just_activated_cutoff - just_before_cutoff = coethnic_treatment_cutoff - coethnic_control_cutoff
esttab reg* using "table_3.tex", replace noobs not lines nocons se nonumber star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) mtitles("{\b (1)}" "{\b (2)}" "{\b (3)}" "{\b (4)}" "{\b (5)}" "{\b (6)}") stats( N r2,fmt(0 4) label(`"Observations"'`"R-Squared"')) addnote("This is for some notes") title(Proximity to CDD increases incumbent support\label{tab1}) indicate("Year FEs= *.year" "Country FEs= *.country_code", label("\Checkmark" ""))
"I have conducted several regressions and performed a test for each model. In the `esttab` command, I only obtained the coefficients, but I was unable to get the p-values and F-values in the actual results. Is there a way to include these values along with the previous coefficients?"
I have this code:
est clear
foreach v in place_name_1 {
eststo reg1: qui reg incumbent_supporter just_before_cutoff coethnic_control_cutoff just_activated_cutoff coethnic_treatment_cutoff , cluster(`v')
test just_activated_cutoff - just_before_cutoff = coethnic_treatment_cutoff - coethnic_control_cutoff
eststo reg2: qui reg incumbent_supporter just_before_cutoff coethnic_control_cutoff just_activated_cutoff coethnic_treatment_cutoff $controls , cluster(`v')
test just_activated_cutoff - just_before_cutoff = coethnic_treatment_cutoff - coethnic_control_cutoff
eststo reg3: qui reg incumbent_supporter just_before_cutoff coethnic_control_cutoff just_activated_cutoff coethnic_treatment_cutoff i.country_code , cluster(`v')
test just_activated_cutoff - just_before_cutoff = coethnic_treatment_cutoff - coethnic_control_cutoff
eststo reg4: qui reg incumbent_supporter just_before_cutoff coethnic_control_cutoff just_activated_cutoff coethnic_treatment_cutoff $controls i.country_code , cluster(`v')
test just_activated_cutoff - just_before_cutoff = coethnic_treatment_cutoff - coethnic_control_cutoff
eststo reg5: qui reg incumbent_supporter just_before_cutoff coethnic_control_cutoff just_activated_cutoff coethnic_treatment_cutoff $controls i.year , cluster(`v')
test just_activated_cutoff - just_before_cutoff = coethnic_treatment_cutoff - coethnic_control_cutoff
eststo reg6: qui reg incumbent_supporter just_before_cutoff coethnic_control_cutoff just_activated_cutoff coethnic_treatment_cutoff $controls i.country_code i.year , cluster(`v')
test just_activated_cutoff - just_before_cutoff = coethnic_treatment_cutoff - coethnic_control_cutoff
esttab reg* using "table_3.tex", replace noobs not lines nocons se nonumber star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) mtitles("{\b (1)}" "{\b (2)}" "{\b (3)}" "{\b (4)}" "{\b (5)}" "{\b (6)}") stats( N r2,fmt(0 4) label(`"Observations"'`"R-Squared"')) addnote("This is for some notes") title(Proximity to CDD increases incumbent support\label{tab1}) indicate("Year FEs= *.year" "Country FEs= *.country_code", label("\Checkmark" ""))
"I have conducted several regressions and performed a test for each model. In the `esttab` command, I only obtained the coefficients, but I was unable to get the p-values and F-values in the actual results. Is there a way to include these values along with the previous coefficients?"