I am trying to export some results to excel of a svy: two-way tabulate but I'm running into trouble when trying to store it as a matrix in order to export. The results are running in the stata console but then exporting blank. I'd like the column results stored, as well as the labels of the variables. If anyone has any insights that would be great. Thank you!
use "$cleandata/final_analysis.dta"
putexcel set "$output/figures.xlsx", sheet("Figure 3") modify
putexcel A1 = "Figure 3. Training"
putexcel A2 = ("Training") B2 = ("Contract") C2 = ("Government")
svyset school_code [pw=teacher_weight_component], singleunit(certainty) strata(strata)
svy: tabulate training government, column cell
matrix results = r(cell)
local lblname : value label training
levelsof training, local(levels)
local labels foreach level of local levels {
local label : label `lblname' `level'
local labels `labels' `"`label'"'
local row = 3
foreach label of local labels {
putexcel A`row' = "`label'"
local row = `row' + 1
putexcel B3=matrix(results)
I am trying to export some results to excel of a svy: two-way tabulate but I'm running into trouble when trying to store it as a matrix in order to export. The results are running in the stata console but then exporting blank. I'd like the column results stored, as well as the labels of the variables. If anyone has any insights that would be great. Thank you!
use "$cleandata/final_analysis.dta"
putexcel set "$output/figures.xlsx", sheet("Figure 3") modify
putexcel A1 = "Figure 3. Training"
putexcel A2 = ("Training") B2 = ("Contract") C2 = ("Government")
svyset school_code [pw=teacher_weight_component], singleunit(certainty) strata(strata)
svy: tabulate training government, column cell
matrix results = r(cell)
local lblname : value label training
levelsof training, local(levels)
local labels foreach level of local levels {
local label : label `lblname' `level'
local labels `labels' `"`label'"'
local row = 3
foreach label of local labels {
putexcel A`row' = "`label'"
local row = `row' + 1
putexcel B3=matrix(results)