I am trying to export listcoef results using the outreg2 command and it is not working. Is there an alternative way to do this?
I am interested in including the standardized coefficient (bStdX) and the percentage change in odds per SD (%StdX) in my table but can't seem to find a way of extracting them into my table.
This is my current code:
I am interested in including the standardized coefficient (bStdX) and the percentage change in odds per SD (%StdX) in my table but can't seem to find a way of extracting them into my table.
This is my current code:
foreach var of varlist o34livelihoodall_d o33supportall_d o35fulfilmentall_d o31familyall_d o32healthall_d u34house_d u37travelling_d o41eduall_d o71profall_d u73business_d u73football_d u73engineer_d u73fashiondesigner_d u73nurse_d u73journalist_d u1binput_d u1boutcome_d u9exclusive_d ofamilyinc_d o1b21children_d o1b22famascending_d o1b21mother_d u8superlative_d u9dontknow_d { svy: logit `var' cwibycity_n if x02xcity_c3==1 outreg2 using logitlowwealthSER2new5.xls, append ctitle(Logit coeff `var') stats(coef se pval tstat) svy: logit `var' cwibycity_n if x02xcity_c3==1, or outreg2 using logitlowwealthSER2new5.xls, append ctitle(Odds ratio `var') eform stats(coef se pval ci tstat) listcoef, std help listcoef, percent outreg2 using logitlowwealthSER2new5.xls, append ctitle( `var') eform stats(beta) }