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  • -table- in Stata 17/18: Replacing blanks in cells with no cross-tabulation cases

    Hi everyone,

    I’m trying to produce the same table output using -table- in Stata 16 and 17/18.

    In Stata 16, -table, miss- adds dots in the cells with no data. For example,

    sysuse auto, clear
    qui summ price, d
    gen Clase = price >= r(p50)
    label define costo 0 Barato 1 Caro
    label values Clase costo 
    version 16: bys Clase: table turn rep78 foreign if rep78>= 3, c(mean length) f(%5.0f) center miss
    -> Clase = Barato
    Turn      |  Car origin and Repair record 1978  
    circle    | --- Domestic ---    ---- Foreign ---
    (ft.)     |   3     4     5       3     4     5
           31 |  193    .     .       .     .     .
           32 |   .     .     .       .     .    165
           33 |   .    147    .       .    154    .
           34 |  163    .     .      142   149    .
           35 |   .     .    163      .    155   165
           36 |  165    .     .      161    .    164
           37 |  170    .    157      .     .     .
           39 |   .    169    .       .     .     .
           40 |  188    .     .       .     .     .
           41 |  198    .     .       .     .     .
           42 |  199   218    .       .     .     .
           43 |  193    .     .       .     .     .
    -> Clase = Caro
    Turn      |  Car origin and Repair record 1978  
    circle    | --- Domestic ---    ---- Foreign ---
    (ft.)     |   3     4     5       3     4     5
           34 |   .     .     .       .    174    .
           35 |   .     .     .       .    170   155
           36 |   .     .     .      174   164   174
           37 |   .     .     .       .     .    191
           38 |   .     .     .       .    184    .
           41 |  201    .     .       .     .     .
           42 |  199   214    .       .     .     .
           43 |  210   218    .       .     .     .
           44 |  216    .     .       .     .     .
           45 |  202   217    .       .     .     .
           48 |  230   221    .       .     .     .
           51 |  233    .     .       .     .     .
    In Stata 17/18, -table, miss- shows potential missing values in variables, but not in the cell with the cross-tabulation. In the cells, we see now blanks instead of dots. For example,

    table (turn) (foreign rep78) (Clase) if rep78>= 3, statistic(mean length) nformat(%5.0f mean leng) nototals
    Clase = Barato
    | Car origin
    | Domestic Foreign
    | Repair record 1978 Repair record 1978
    | 3 4 5 3 4 5
    Turn circle (ft.) |
    31 | 193
    32 | 165
    33 | 147 154
    34 | 163 142 149
    35 | 163 155 165
    36 | 165 161 164
    37 | 170 157
    39 | 169
    40 | 188
    41 | 198
    42 | 199 218
    43 | 193
    Clase = Caro
    | Car origin
    | Domestic Foreign
    | Repair record 1978 Repair record 1978
    | 3 4 3 4 5
    Turn circle (ft.) |
    34 | 174
    35 | 170 155
    36 | 174 164 174
    37 | 191
    38 | 184
    41 | 201
    42 | 199 214
    43 | 210 218
    44 | 216
    45 | 202 217
    48 | 230 221
    51 | 233
    Then, I wonder whether is it possible to replace the blanks with other characters when running -table- in Stata 17/18.

    Thank you!

  • #2
    If you want to show 0 instead of blanks for counts of empty cells, use the -zerocounts- option in -table-.


    • #3
      Hi Clyde Schechter, thank you for the reference.

      I use -zerocounts- to show the zeroes when tabulating frequencies. But, now, I’m tabulating statistics, so the -zerocounts- option doesn’t do anything with respect to “missing statistics”, as the Stata manual describes the cases I’m interested on.

      In Stata 16, the -missing- option in -table- shows dots for “missing statistics”. This is exactly what I would like to have using -table- with Stata 17/18.


      • #4
        The beauty of the new -table- command and the -collect- framework that it works in is their remarkable scope and flexibility, so that pretty much anything you can imagine can be done. On the other hand, the price of all that scope and flexibility is that they are complicated and difficult to learn. What I'm saying is that 1) I'm confident there is a way to do what you want, but 2) I have no idea what it might be and 3) it would probably take me a very long time to figure it out. Fortunately, Jeff Pitblado (StataCorp) , whose knowledge of -collect- and -table- is truly encyclopedic, follows this Forum closely. My guess is that he will see this thread and come to the rescue now that we are past the weekend.

        Sorry I can't be more helpful.


        • #5
          Wait, it's much simpler than I thought.

          . sysuse auto, clear
          (1978 automobile data)
          . fillin rep78 foreign
          . table rep78 foreign, statistic(count price) statistic(mean price) nformat(%3.2f mean)
                                          |           Car origin         
                                          |  Domestic   Foreign     Total
          Repair record 1978              |                              
            1                             |                              
              Number of nonmissing values |         2         0         2
              Mean                        |   4564.50         .   4564.50
            2                             |                              
              Number of nonmissing values |         8         0         8
              Mean                        |   5967.62         .   5967.62
            3                             |                              
              Number of nonmissing values |        27         3        30
              Mean                        |   6607.07   4828.67   6429.23
            4                             |                              
              Number of nonmissing values |         9         9        18
              Mean                        |   5881.56   6261.44   6071.50
            5                             |                              
              Number of nonmissing values |         2         9        11
              Mean                        |   4204.50   6292.67   5913.00
            Total                         |                              
              Number of nonmissing values |        48        21        69
              Mean                        |   6179.25   6070.14   6146.04


          • #6
            Hi Clyde Schechter , thank you so much for bringing in the idea of using -fillin-. I'll try this out and get back.


            • #7
              Sorry, I was AFK.

              Clyde provides an elegant solution.

              The following uses collect to get the same table without having to modify your dataset.

              You can provide your own rules for filling empty cells beyond table's zerocounts option with command collect style cell's option empty().

              In the following, building on Clyde's auto data example, I show how to use collect commands after table to put a zero "0" for counts in empty cells and dots "." for all other results in empty cells.
              sysuse auto
              table rep78 foreign, ///
                  statistic(count price) ///
                  statistic(mean price) ///
                  nformat(%3.2f mean)
              * make "." the default for empty item cells
              collect style cell cell_type[item], empty(".")
              * make "0" the default for count results in empty item cells
              collect style cell cell_type[item]#result[count], empty("0")
              collect preview
              You can save yourself some typing by storing these style choices to a file that you can subsequently specify in table's style() option. Here is how that would look in a do-file.
              * start a new collection named "myempty"
              collect create myempty
              collect style clear
              * make "." the default for empty item cells
              collect style cell cell_type[item], empty(".")
              * for these results, make "0" the default for empty item cells
              collect style cell cell_type[item]#result[frequency sumw count], empty(0)
              * save these style choices to disk, they can be used to override a
              * command's default style
              collect style save myempty, replace
              * put this file in your PERSONAL folder if you want reference it in
              * -style()- options without having to specify its path
              Here is the "myempty" style in action.
              table rep78 foreign, ///
                  style(myempty, override) ///
                  statistic(count price) ///
                  statistic(mean price) ///
                  nformat(%3.2f mean)

              Here is the resulting table.
                                              |           Car origin         
                                              |  Domestic   Foreign     Total
              Repair record 1978              |                              
                1                             |                              
                  Number of nonmissing values |         2         0         2
                  Mean                        |   4564.50         .   4564.50
                2                             |                              
                  Number of nonmissing values |         8         0         8
                  Mean                        |   5967.62         .   5967.62
                3                             |                              
                  Number of nonmissing values |        27         3        30
                  Mean                        |   6607.07   4828.67   6429.23
                4                             |                              
                  Number of nonmissing values |         9         9        18
                  Mean                        |   5881.56   6261.44   6071.50
                5                             |                              
                  Number of nonmissing values |         2         9        11
                  Mean                        |   4204.50   6292.67   5913.00
                Total                         |                              
                  Number of nonmissing values |        48        21        69
                  Mean                        |   6179.25   6070.14   6146.04

