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  • Very large F stat in 2SLS

    Dear Profs and colleagues,

    I run 2sls, and the F test of excluded instruments is almost 3 million! It worries me. Although the tests for weak IV do not show that IV is weak, this large value... what can be the problem?
    . ivreg2 ln_labor_productivity_w  (blau_indexethnic=region_avg_excl) logsize foreign_aff i.year i.sector i.region ltenur lfirmage 
    > multi lageworker share_9 share_12 share_uni  ethnic1 ethnic2  ethnic3 ethnic4 ethnic5 ethnic6 ethnic7 ethnic8, first robust 
    First-stage regressions
    First-stage regression of blau_indexethnic:
    Statistics robust to heteroskedasticity
    Number of obs =                1461978
                    |               Robust
    blau_indexeth~c |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
    region_avg_excl |  -.9480597   .0005548 -1708.87   0.000    -.9491471   -.9469723
            logsize |  -.0004566   .0000213   -21.42   0.000    -.0004983   -.0004148
        foreign_aff |   .0009557    .000132     7.24   0.000      .000697    .0012144
               year |
              2011  |   .0030839   .0000779    39.58   0.000     .0029312    .0032366
              2012  |   .0018291   .0000755    24.23   0.000     .0016811     .001977
              2013  |   .0026799   .0000762    35.17   0.000     .0025306    .0028293
              2014  |   .0006011   .0000741     8.11   0.000     .0004558    .0007464
              2015  |   .0019014   .0000746    25.50   0.000     .0017552    .0020475
              2016  |   .0058746   .0000743    79.07   0.000      .005729    .0060202
              2017  |   .0141067   .0000774   182.29   0.000      .013955    .0142584
              2018  |   .0241563   .0000799   302.51   0.000     .0239998    .0243129
              2019  |   .0299199    .000084   356.32   0.000     .0297553    .0300844
             sector |
                 6  |    .000509   .0000546     9.33   0.000      .000402    .0006159
                 7  |   .0002749    .000043     6.40   0.000     .0001907    .0003591
                 9  |   .0017633   .0000772    22.83   0.000     .0016119    .0019147
                10  |   .0002688   .0001237     2.17   0.030     .0000263    .0005113
                11  |   .0005773   .0001086     5.31   0.000     .0003644    .0007902
                12  |   .0004209   .0000612     6.88   0.000      .000301    .0005408
                13  |   .0010389   .0001027    10.12   0.000     .0008377    .0012401
             region |
                 2  |  -.0142636     .00004  -356.72   0.000    -.0143419   -.0141852
                 3  |    .206585   .0001428  1446.32   0.000     .2063051     .206865
                 4  |   .0914737   .0001634   559.89   0.000     .0911535    .0917939
                 5  |   -.004737   .0000845   -56.06   0.000    -.0049027   -.0045714
                 6  |  -.0469843   .0001225  -383.51   0.000    -.0472244   -.0467442
                 7  |   .0144741    .000158    91.60   0.000     .0141644    .0147838
             ltenur |   .0007754   .0000652    11.90   0.000     .0006477    .0009031
           lfirmage |   -.000405    .000019   -21.30   0.000    -.0004422   -.0003677
              multi |  -.0000759   .0000755    -1.00   0.315    -.0002239    .0000721
         lageworker |  -.0012993   .0000943   -13.77   0.000    -.0014842   -.0011144
            share_9 |   .0005679   .0000898     6.32   0.000     .0003919    .0007438
           share_12 |   .0010241   .0000976    10.49   0.000     .0008328    .0012154
          share_uni |   .0014498   .0001079    13.43   0.000     .0012383    .0016613
            ethnic1 |   .0355977   .0014165    25.13   0.000     .0328214     .038374
            ethnic2 |  -.0737139   .0012486   -59.04   0.000     -.076161   -.0712667
            ethnic3 |    .045857   .0011811    38.83   0.000     .0435421    .0481719
            ethnic4 |   .0176868   .0001698   104.14   0.000     .0173539    .0180196
            ethnic5 |   .0264138   .0003238    81.57   0.000     .0257792    .0270485
            ethnic6 |   .0330661   .0003604    91.75   0.000     .0323597    .0337724
            ethnic7 |   .0389608   .0017553    22.20   0.000     .0355206     .042401
            ethnic8 |   .0185332   .0001801   102.91   0.000     .0181803    .0188862
              _cons |   .1077592    .000304   354.51   0.000     .1071634    .1083549
    F test of excluded instruments:
      F(  1,1461937) =  2.9e+06
      Prob > F      =   0.0000
    Sanderson-Windmeijer multivariate F test of excluded instruments:
      F(  1,1461937) =  2.9e+06
      Prob > F      =   0.0000
                                                          Number of obs =  1461978
                                                          F( 40,1461937) =  6499.70
                                                          Prob > F      =   0.0000
    Total (centered) SS     =  1173915.105                Centered R2   =   0.1620
    Total (uncentered) SS   =  136022757.4                Uncentered R2 =   0.9928
    Residual SS             =  983783.6863                Root MSE      =    .8203
                     |               Robust
    ln_labor_produ~w |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
    blau_indexethnic |  -.1152863   .0076515   -15.07   0.000    -.1302828   -.1002897
             logsize |   .1689567   .0008155   207.19   0.000     .1673585     .170555
         foreign_aff |   .5448005   .0055822    97.60   0.000     .5338596    .5557414
                year |
               2011  |  -.0738303   .0031599   -23.36   0.000    -.0800237    -.067637
               2012  |  -.0732055   .0032468   -22.55   0.000    -.0795692   -.0668419
               2013  |   -.023119   .0032587    -7.09   0.000    -.0295059   -.0167321
               2014  |  -.0262547   .0032535    -8.07   0.000    -.0326315   -.0198779
               2015  |  -.0187217   .0031769    -5.89   0.000    -.0249483    -.012495
               2016  |  -.0109866   .0031328    -3.51   0.000    -.0171268   -.0048464
               2017  |   -.021945     .00309    -7.10   0.000    -.0280013   -.0158886
               2018  |  -.0470292   .0030751   -15.29   0.000    -.0530563   -.0410021
               2019  |  -.0694518   .0030783   -22.56   0.000    -.0754853   -.0634184
              sector |
                  6  |    .389331    .002249   173.11   0.000      .384923    .3937389
                  7  |   .1154389   .0019711    58.57   0.000     .1115756    .1193022
                  9  |  -.4035993   .0025582  -157.77   0.000    -.4086132   -.3985854
                 10  |  -.0566752   .0056741    -9.99   0.000    -.0677963   -.0455541
                 11  |   .2250767   .0058422    38.53   0.000     .2136262    .2365272
                 12  |   .0391298   .0031416    12.46   0.000     .0329724    .0452873
                 13  |   .0236135   .0040498     5.83   0.000     .0156761    .0315509
              region |
                  2  |   .0757906   .0017336    43.72   0.000     .0723927    .0791884
                  3  |   .1312091   .0019546    67.13   0.000     .1273781    .1350401
                  4  |   .0582004   .0034991    16.63   0.000     .0513421    .0650586
                  5  |    .058269   .0031391    18.56   0.000     .0521164    .0644216
                  6  |   .0936566   .0056656    16.53   0.000     .0825522    .1047609
                  7  |  -.0038452   .0053333    -0.72   0.471    -.0142982    .0066078
              ltenur |   .0843379   .0028634    29.45   0.000     .0787257    .0899501
            lfirmage |   .0566891   .0007829    72.41   0.000     .0551545    .0582236
               multi |  -.0555838   .0024369   -22.81   0.000      -.06036   -.0508077
          lageworker |  -.0217752   .0031043    -7.01   0.000    -.0278595   -.0156909
             share_9 |   .1880041   .0035665    52.71   0.000     .1810139    .1949943
            share_12 |   .4319362   .0039801   108.52   0.000     .4241354     .439737
           share_uni |   .7743468   .0048596   159.34   0.000     .7648221    .7838714
             ethnic1 |  -.1274692   .0167966    -7.59   0.000    -.1603898   -.0945485
             ethnic2 |  -.2308133   .0123156   -18.74   0.000    -.2549513   -.2066752
             ethnic3 |  -.0063384   .0131721    -0.48   0.630    -.0321553    .0194784
             ethnic4 |   .0426324   .0035377    12.05   0.000     .0356987    .0495661
             ethnic5 |   .1053024   .0056499    18.64   0.000     .0942288     .116376
             ethnic6 |  -.0123884   .0047612    -2.60   0.009    -.0217201   -.0030567
             ethnic7 |   .1000489    .022069     4.53   0.000     .0567946    .1433033
             ethnic8 |   -.030844   .0034389    -8.97   0.000    -.0375842   -.0241038
               _cons |   8.620184   .0113673   758.33   0.000     8.597905    8.642464
    Underidentification test (Kleibergen-Paap rk LM statistic):            7.3e+04
                                                       Chi-sq(1) P-val =    0.0000
    Weak identification test (Cragg-Donald Wald F statistic):              2.4e+07
                             (Kleibergen-Paap rk Wald F statistic):        2.9e+06
    Stock-Yogo weak ID test critical values: 10% maximal IV size             16.38
                                             15% maximal IV size              8.96
                                             20% maximal IV size              6.66
                                             25% maximal IV size              5.53
    Source: Stock-Yogo (2005).  Reproduced by permission.
    NB: Critical values are for Cragg-Donald F statistic and i.i.d. errors.
    Hansen J statistic (overidentification test of all instruments):         0.000
                                                     (equation exactly identified)
    Instrumented:         blau_indexethnic
    Included instruments: logsize foreign_aff 2011.year 2012.year 2013.year
                          2014.year 2015.year 2016.year 2017.year 2018.year
                          2019.year 6.sector 7.sector 9.sector 10.sector 11.sector
                          12.sector 13.sector 2.region 3.region 4.region 5.region
                          6.region 7.region ltenur lfirmage multi lageworker share_9
                          share_12 share_uni ethnic1 ethnic2 ethnic3 ethnic4 ethnic5
                          ethnic6 ethnic7 ethnic8
    Excluded instruments: region_avg_excl

    Any ideas are appreciated.
