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  • Mediation

    Hello. Hope everyone’s good. Need some help. So my Independent Variable (X) is binary. My Mediator (M) is a continuous variable. My Dependent Variable (Y) is also binary. Due to the nature of Y being binary, I have to do binary logistic regression.

    The problem begins here. There are 4 steps of mediation:
    1) X to Y (Direct effect)
    2) X to M
    3) M to Y
    4) X to M to Y (Indirect effect)

    As my M is continuous, I can’t do step 2. I’m doing this for my thesis. Do I have to do my regression in binary logistic, but then do OLS regression again for the 4 steps for meditation?

    Help would be appreciated. Thanks.

  • #2
    the issue is with the calculation of the indirect effect as you want comparable coefficients for your multiplication; I recently had a related issue and I did the following: estimate twice, once using OLS for each step and once using some form of logistic regression for each step (i.e., use ordinal logistic regression in step 2; if the results are qualitatively similar, fine (mine was)


    • #3
      Originally posted by Rich Goldstein View Post
      the issue is with the calculation of the indirect effect as you want comparable coefficients for your multiplication; I recently had a related issue and I did the following: estimate twice, once using OLS for each step and once using some form of logistic regression for each step (i.e., use ordinal logistic regression in step 2; if the results are qualitatively similar, fine (mine was)
      hello Rich. Thanks for the reply. You talked about multiplication? I don’t get it. Isn’t the multiplication for moderation? Where the moderator and IV are multiplied? Whereas I have mediation.

      but overall, I get it. I should do binary regression for the direct effect and indirect effect. But for the step number 2 specially, I have to do the OLS regression. I tried this, and the results are qualitively similar yes. The direct effect is significant. The indirect effect (mediation) is insignificant). This is what you mean, right? Thanks.


      • #4
        for indirect effects, you multiply the effect of X on M by the effect of M on Y


        • #5
          mediate fits generalized linear mediation models. For a simple model without covariates and no mediator-treatment interactions (as implied in OP), it could look like:
          mediate (Y, probit) (M) (X), nointeraction
          For further info, see:

