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  • Generating domestic trade flows

    Dear Clyde Schechter

    I am working with international trade data. Each observation is an export flows from country i to country j at time t.

    DATA 1

    * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
    input str3(iso_i iso_j) int Year double(GDP_it Exports_ijt)
    "USA" "FRA" 1990 10.5  1.7
    "USA" "DEU" 1990 10.5  3.2
    "USA" "GBR" 1990 10.5  2.5
    "DEU" "PRT" 1990 20.3  9.4
    "DEU" "USA" 1990 20.3  6.7
    "DEU" "LTU" 1990 20.3  5.9
    "USA" "FRA" 1991 13.7  8.6
    "USA" "TUN" 1991 13.7  3.2
    "USA" "GBR" 1991 13.7  9.5
    "DEU" "GBR" 1991 22.4  7.3
    "DEU" "USA" 1991 22.4  8.4
    "DEU" "LTU" 1991 22.4  3.5

    For each year. I need to create an additional obervation on domestic trade flows i = j.
    The domestic trade is calculated as

    Xii = GDPit - Σ j# i Xijt

    that is domestic trade Xii (i = j) is the difference between GDP of exporter and sum of all its exports to the world (Σ j# i Xijt).

    In this example, USA in 1990 is exporting to FRA, DEU, and GBR. I aggregate the export flows of USA across all partners to obtain the total exports of USA to the rest of world in year 1990 (i.e., Σ j# i Xijt = 1.7 + 3.2 + 2.5 = 7.4). The GDPUSA,1990 = 10.5 , therefore dometic trade flows are obtained as:

    ExportsUSA-USA,1990 = GDPUSA,1990 - Σ j# i Xijt = 10.5 - 7.4 = 3.1

    Following same procedure for other countries, will give us a data like

    DATA 2

    * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
    input str3(iso_i iso_j) int Year double(GDP_it Exports_ijt)
    "USA" "FRA" 1990 10.5  1.7
    "USA" "DEU" 1990 10.5  3.2
    "USA" "GBR" 1990 10.5  2.5
    "USA" "USA" 1990 10.5  3.1
    "DEU" "PRT" 1990 20.3  9.4
    "DEU" "USA" 1990 20.3  6.7
    "DEU" "LTU" 1990 20.3  5.9
    "DEU" "DEU" 1990 20.3 -1.7
    "USA" "FRA" 1991 13.7  8.6
    "USA" "TUN" 1991 13.7  3.2
    "USA" "GBR" 1991 13.7  9.5
    "USA" "USA" 1991 13.7  7.6
    "DEU" "GBR" 1991 22.4  7.3
    "DEU" "USA" 1991 22.4  8.4
    "DEU" "LTU" 1991 22.4  3.5
    "DEU" "DEU" 1991 22.4  3.2
    How do I get from DATA 1 to DATA 2.

    Thanks and regards,

  • #2
    by iso_i Year, sort: egen all_exports_it = total(Exports_ijt)
    gen domestic_trade = GDP_it - all_exports_it
    It is not usually a good idea to address your post to me, or any other individual, unless it is a continuation of a dialog that has already been established in the same thread. There are many Forum members who could have responded to you in the hours before I saw it.

    By the way, your "DATA2" is just a copy of your "DATA1."


    • #3
      Thanks Clyde Schechter . I am sorry, I will be careful in future.

      The domestic_trade in the code you sent, creates domestic trade flows in a seperate column. I want them in a row.
      iso_i iso_j year GDP_it Exports_ijt
      USA FRA 1990 10.5 1.7
      USA DEU 1990 10.5 3.2
      USA GBR 1990 10.5 2.5
      USA USA 1990 10.5 3.5
      Where the last row (in red) denotes the domestic trade flows with iso_i = iso_j . Similarily for other countries in the panel.

      Therefore, DATA 2 includes information on both international (observations with iso_i # iso_j) and domestic (iso_i = iso_j) trade flows for each country. It is a copy of DATA 1 but additionally includes information on domestic trade flows.

      How to obtain this data structure ? was my question.

      Thanks and regards,


      • #4
        probably collapse, save, and then append.


        • #5
          Thanks George Ford , this seems an easy way to go

          use master, clear
          by iso_i Year, sort: egen all_exports_it = total(Exports_ijt)
          gen domestic_trade = GDP_it - all_exports_it
          collapse domestic_trade GDP_it, by(iso_i Year)
          gen iso_j=iso_i
          rename domestic_trade Exports_ijt
          order iso_j Year GDP_it Exports_ijt, a(iso_i)
          save domestic
          use master, clear
          append using domestic
          I guess there must be an efficient (short) way to do the same.

          Last edited by Ridwan Sheikh; 06 Jun 2024, 02:55.


          • #6
            use master, clear
                by iso_i Year, sort: egen all_exports_it = total(Exports_ijt)
                gen domestic_trade = GDP_it - all_exports_it
                collapse domestic_trade GDP_it, by(iso_i Year)
                gen iso_j=iso_i
                rename domestic_trade Exports_ijt
                order iso_j Year GDP_it Exports_ijt, a(iso_i)
                save domestic , replace
            append using domestic


            • #7
              Thanks George Ford ! that is even better way to do.

