Hi, I am wiritng my bachelor thesis about the effect of NAFTA on income inequality (using the GINI) in 17 industries from 1990-2010 in the US. I have panel data. I ran a Hausman test whcih showed me i should do random effect. I would like to control for year specific random effects and industry specific national effects. However when i run this in stata, one of my industry coefficients is omitted and 3 of the years are omitted, stata says that they both omitted are due to collinearity.
this is the code i have used :
xtset Industry_code year
xtreg GINI c.NAFTA_dummy##c.ed_cat GDP Inflation employmentrate union_membership_rate i.Industry_code i.year, re robust
Could someone help me figure out why or how i can fix this.
Thank you in advnace!!
this is the code i have used :
xtset Industry_code year
xtreg GINI c.NAFTA_dummy##c.ed_cat GDP Inflation employmentrate union_membership_rate i.Industry_code i.year, re robust
Could someone help me figure out why or how i can fix this.
Thank you in advnace!!