Hello, everyone; thank you for your attention.
I am working on a TWFE DID model. For individual i in year t :
Yit = constant + Dit + Xit + YearDummies + eit,
where Dit is 1 when individual i received treatment in year t , 0 otherwise; Xit is a vector of control variables.
By theory, I suspect that a variable Zit (not included in Xit) is interacting with the impact of the treatment on Yit. I want to test/show this point in the model. In a normal regression, one can add an interaction term between Zit and the variable it interacts with into the model.
But how to do it in a DID model as above? May I add the interaction such as:
Yit = constant + Dit + Dit*Zit + Zit + Xit + YearDummies + eit,
and, if the coefficient of Dit*Zit is significantly positive, may I say when Zit is higher, the treatment effect is increased positively?
I am working on a TWFE DID model. For individual i in year t :
Yit = constant + Dit + Xit + YearDummies + eit,
where Dit is 1 when individual i received treatment in year t , 0 otherwise; Xit is a vector of control variables.
By theory, I suspect that a variable Zit (not included in Xit) is interacting with the impact of the treatment on Yit. I want to test/show this point in the model. In a normal regression, one can add an interaction term between Zit and the variable it interacts with into the model.
But how to do it in a DID model as above? May I add the interaction such as:
Yit = constant + Dit + Dit*Zit + Zit + Xit + YearDummies + eit,
and, if the coefficient of Dit*Zit is significantly positive, may I say when Zit is higher, the treatment effect is increased positively?