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  • Gravity Equation - too many values for country pair fixed effects

    Hi all,

    I am currently writing my bachelor's thesis, where I am trying to quantify the impact of the creation of the euro on intra-EU and extra-EU trade. I have obtained data from CEPII Gravity and Tradeprod databases, and am using An Advanced Guide to Trade Policy Analysis: The Structural Gravity Model to structure my gravity equation.

    I am getting stuck when trying to generate country-pair fixed effects
    . * STATA commands to estimate gravity model with the country-pair fixed effects:
    . egen pair_id = group(iso3num_o iso3num_d)

    . tabulate pair_id, generate(PAIR_FE)
    too many values

    I have attempted to use ppmlhdfe after looking at similar forum posts, but when I do that, my euro country dummy variable is omitted. I will attach both the code not using ppml and using ppml below. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    1. get stuck at country pair fixed effects
    clear all
    set more off
    clear matrix
    ssc install ppml

    // Close the existing log file
    log close

    // Start a new log file
    log using "/Users/alicelunt/Desktop/stata_thesis/my_analysis.log", replace

    cd "/Users/alicelunt/Desktop/stata_thesis"

    use "/Users/alicelunt/Desktop/stata_thesis/Gravity_dta_V202102/Gravity_V202102.dta", clear

    * merge files
    keep if year >= 1966
    keep if year <= 2018

    keep iso3num_o iso3num_d year dist contig comlang_off comcol rta eu_d eu_o wto_o wto_d gatt_o gatt_d tradeflow_comtrade_o tradeflow_comtrade_d

    merge 1:m iso3num_o iso3num_d year using "/Users/alicelunt/Desktop/stata_thesis/TPe_V202201.dta"

    keep if _m==3
    drop _m

    * Analysis considers panel data with 4 year interval (1986, 1990, ..., 2018)
    keep if year == 1986 | year == 1990 | year == 1994 | year == 1998 | year == 2002 | year == 2006 | year == 2010 | year == 2014 | year == 2018

    * create pair id for merged data
    * gen pair_id = iso3num_o * 1000 + iso3num_d

    * Create the dependent variable
    generate ln_trade = ln(tradeflow_comtrade_o)

    * Create the independent variables
    generate ln_DIST = ln(dist)

    * Create exporter-time fixed effects
    egen exp_time = group(iso3num_o year)
    quietly tabulate exp_time, gen(EXPORTER_TIME_FE)

    * Create importer-time fixed effects
    egen imp_time = group(iso3num_d year)
    quietly tabulate imp_time, gen(IMPORTER_TIME_FE)

    * STATA commands to estimate gravity model with the country-pair fixed effects:
    egen pair_id = group(iso3num_o iso3num_d)
    quietly tabulate pair_id, generate(PAIR_FE)

    // Define the Euro countries and the years they entered
    gen euro_country = 0

    // Austria (4), Belgium (56), Finland (246), France (250), Germany (276), Ireland (372), Italy (380), Luxembourg (442), Netherlands (528), Portugal (620), Spain (724) joined on 1 Jan 1999
    replace euro_country = 1 if iso3num_o == 40 & year >= 1999
    replace euro_country = 1 if iso3num_o == 56 & year >= 1999
    replace euro_country = 1 if iso3num_o == 246 & year >= 1999
    replace euro_country = 1 if iso3num_o == 250 & year >= 1999
    replace euro_country = 1 if iso3num_o == 276 & year >= 1999
    replace euro_country = 1 if iso3num_o == 372 & year >= 1999
    replace euro_country = 1 if iso3num_o == 380 & year >= 1999
    replace euro_country = 1 if iso3num_o == 442 & year >= 1999
    replace euro_country = 1 if iso3num_o == 528 & year >= 1999
    replace euro_country = 1 if iso3num_o == 620 & year >= 1999
    replace euro_country = 1 if iso3num_o == 724 & year >= 1999
    // Greece (300) joined in 2001
    replace euro_country = 1 if iso3num_o == 300 & year >= 2001

    // Slovenia (705) joined in 2007
    replace euro_country = 1 if iso3num_o == 705 & year >= 2007

    // Cyprus (196) and Malta (470) joined in 2008
    replace euro_country = 1 if iso3num_o == 196 & year >= 2008
    replace euro_country = 1 if iso3num_o == 470 & year >= 2008

    // Slovakia (703) joined in 2009
    replace euro_country = 1 if iso3num_o == 703 & year >= 2009

    // Estonia (233) joined in 2011
    replace euro_country = 1 if iso3num_o == 233 & year >= 2011

    // Latvia (428) joined in 2014
    replace euro_country = 1 if iso3num_o == 428 & year >= 2014

    // Lithuania (440) joined in 2015
    replace euro_country = 1 if iso3num_o == 440 & year >= 2015

    // Label the variable for clarity
    label variable euro_country "Euro country (1=yes)"

    // Estimate the gravity model and store the results
    regress ln_trade exp_time* imp_time* ln_DIST contig comlang_off euro_country if iso3num_o != iso3num_d, cluster(pair_id)
    estimates store fes1

    // close the log file
    log close

    2. euro_country variable dropped
    clear all
    set more off
    clear matrix
    ssc install ppml
    ssc install ppmlhdfe
    ssc install reghdfe

    // Close the existing log file
    *log close

    // Start a new log file
    log using "/Users/alicelunt/Desktop/stata_thesis/my_analysis.log", replace

    cd "/Users/alicelunt/Desktop/stata_thesis"

    use "/Users/alicelunt/Desktop/stata_thesis/Gravity_dta_V202102/Gravity_V202102.dta", clear

    * merge files
    keep if year >= 1966
    keep if year <= 2018

    keep iso3num_o iso3num_d year dist contig comlang_off comcol rta eu_d eu_o wto_o wto_d gatt_o gatt_d tradeflow_comtrade_o tradeflow_comtrade_d

    merge 1:m iso3num_o iso3num_d year using "/Users/alicelunt/Desktop/stata_thesis/TPe_V202201.dta"

    keep if _m==3
    drop _m

    * Analysis considers panel data with 4 year interval (1986, 1990, ..., 2018)
    keep if year == 1986 | year == 1990 | year == 1994 | year == 1998 | year == 2002 | year == 2006 | year == 2010 | year == 2014 | year == 2018

    * create pair id for merged data
    * gen pair_id = iso3num_o * 1000 + iso3num_d

    * Create the dependent variable
    * generate ln_trade = ln(tradeflow_comtrade_o)

    * Create the independent variables
    generate ln_DIST = ln(dist)

    // Define the Euro countries and the years they entered
    gen euro_country = 0

    // Austria (4), Belgium (56), Finland (246), France (250), Germany (276), Ireland (372), Italy (380), Luxembourg (442), Netherlands (528), Portugal (620), Spain (724) joined on 1 Jan 1999
    replace euro_country = 1 if iso3num_o == 40 & year >= 1999
    replace euro_country = 1 if iso3num_o == 56 & year >= 1999
    replace euro_country = 1 if iso3num_o == 246 & year >= 1999
    replace euro_country = 1 if iso3num_o == 250 & year >= 1999
    replace euro_country = 1 if iso3num_o == 276 & year >= 1999
    replace euro_country = 1 if iso3num_o == 372 & year >= 1999
    replace euro_country = 1 if iso3num_o == 380 & year >= 1999
    replace euro_country = 1 if iso3num_o == 442 & year >= 1999
    replace euro_country = 1 if iso3num_o == 528 & year >= 1999
    replace euro_country = 1 if iso3num_o == 620 & year >= 1999
    replace euro_country = 1 if iso3num_o == 724 & year >= 1999
    // Greece (300) joined in 2001
    replace euro_country = 1 if iso3num_o == 300 & year >= 2001

    // Slovenia (705) joined in 2007
    replace euro_country = 1 if iso3num_o == 705 & year >= 2007

    // Cyprus (196) and Malta (470) joined in 2008
    replace euro_country = 1 if iso3num_o == 196 & year >= 2008
    replace euro_country = 1 if iso3num_o == 470 & year >= 2008

    // Slovakia (703) joined in 2009
    replace euro_country = 1 if iso3num_o == 703 & year >= 2009

    // Estonia (233) joined in 2011
    replace euro_country = 1 if iso3num_o == 233 & year >= 2011

    // Latvia (428) joined in 2014
    replace euro_country = 1 if iso3num_o == 428 & year >= 2014

    // Lithuania (440) joined in 2015
    replace euro_country = 1 if iso3num_o == 440 & year >= 2015

    // Estimate the gravity model and store the results
    ppmlhdfe tradeflow_comtrade_o ln_DIST contig comlang_off euro_country if iso3num_o != iso3num_d, absorb(i.iso3num_d##i.year i.iso3num_o##i.year) cluster(iso3num_d#iso3num_o)

    // close the log file
    log close

    Thanks again!

  • #2
    Dear Alice Lunt,

    Your euro dummy only varies by origin, so it it collinear with the exporter fixed effects and drops (and should drop!). Shouldn't the euro variable also vary by destination (that is, being 1 when both countries have the euro)?

    Best wishes,



    • #3
      Dear Joao Santos Silva ,

      I will define the euro variable differently so that is is euroij,t = 1 when both countries in a given year have the euro and try again with PPML.

      Do you have any guidance on how to estimate the equation without using PPML, i.e. a more efficient way to generate the country pair fixed effects, so I can more closely follow the code provided in Advanced Guide to Trade Policy Analysis?



      • #4
        Dear Alice Lunt,

        You should really use PPML as implemented in ppmlhdfe and absorb the fixed effects. That is, you do not need to generate all the dummies and include them in the regression.

        Best wishes,



        • #5
          Dear Joao Santos Silva ,

          Got it!
          Thank you very much for your help.

